Chapter 7 ~ Trick or Treat

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The Schuyler's never invited me to Peggy's funeral but it's whatever. She was in the Crew so she was irrelevant anyways. I was sitting on my couch until Alexander called me.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"We need you at Orchard Hospital ASAP." Alexander said.

There were sirens blasting in the background.

"Um," I mumbled. "Why?"

"Just come to the hospital... now! I have to go." Alexander exclaimed, then hung up.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch. What could he possibly need now?

Once I arrived at the hospital I came to the front desk.

"What do you need?" The nurse mumbled, not looking up.

"Alexander Hamilton?" I replied.

The nurse looked up and down her clipboard.

"There's no Alexander Hamilton here." The nurse replied, glancing at me.

Great, I just got set up. I started to walk out the door but I got grabbed by the collar of my jacket.

"Ouch!" I groaned, grabbing the figure behind me.

Once we met face to face it was Alexander. He let go of my collar and his face went expressionless.

"We're here for Eliza, dipshit." Alexander groaned, walking down the hall as I followed.

"Oh, great," I hummed. "What now?"

Alexander turned to me suddenly, causing me to almost crash into him.

"You started this mess, you're gonna get us out." He roared, then continued to walk.

I rolled my eyes then we entered a hospital room. Eliza was sitting on the hospital bed, her hand wrapped up. John, Hercules, Angelica, Burr and Theo were sat in the chairs that lined the walls. They all looked at me desperately.

"What?" I cried, throwing my hands in the air.

"You need to figure out what to do." Hercules groaned.

"Wait who has it now?" I asked, crossing arms.

They all exchanged worried looks.

"N-no one." Angelica whispered.

My eyes went wide. This only means one thing.

"Wait... you're sure?" I asked.

They all nodded in unison. I laughed.

"We have to go." I said and turned to the door.

"Go where?" John asked as Alexander pushed me back into the room.

"We have to find it before he gets anyone else." I squealed.

"I can't go anywhere right now!" Eliza yelled, squirming in her bed.

Angelica got up and went to hug Eliza. I sighed and looked at the floor.

"Okay, Angelica, Eliza, stay here," I suggested. "John, Hercules, Aaron, Theodosia, Alexander and I will go."

Eliza's face shifted angrily and Angelica nodded in agreement.

"Probably the best idea." Angelica stated, stroking Eliza's hair.

Eliza rolled her eyes and sunk back into her pillows. The Crew said their goodbyes to the girls and we started on our journey. This was very very risky.

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