CHAPTER 9 ~ The Hunt

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Thomas sat up in alert, then coughed.

"Who-who has it?" Thomas asked, his voice unsteady.

"That's the problem." Alexander interrupted.

"No one has it," I added. "Anymore."

Thomas raised an eyebrow and searched his file cabinet. Once he digged out a binder, he looked back at us.

"And you all had it?" Thomas asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"And Eliza and Angelica." Aaron added.

"Eliza and Angelica... Schuyler?" Thomas gasped.

We all nodded.

"I'm assuming you've lost a couple of people due to this..." Thomas said, his voice a huff.

"Peggy." Laurens cried.

"James Reynolds." Aaron added.

Suddenly my face went pale. Reynolds... where was Maria? James... WHERE WAS JEMMY? I gasped and leapt out of my chair.

"JEMMY. MARIA!" I yelped, tears forming in my eyes.

Everyone looked at each other with puzzled looks, then everyone's faces suddenly dropped.

"Oh my god." Theo gasped.

"How?" Aaron gasped.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked, getting up from his desk.

"I-i just remembered some people that are missing!" I cried.

"Who is Jemmy and who is Maria?" Thomas asked, approaching me.

"Jemmy... James Madison. Maria, Maria Reynolds." I replied.

Alexander pursed his lips and looked at the floor as the words 'Maria Reynolds' passed my lips.

"We-we gotta g-go," I said. "We will be back as soon as possible."

Thomas nodded.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so." I replied, and we all rushed out the door.



We rushed out of the building and straight into Jefferson's car. He had tear streams running down his cheeks. Jefferson never cries, so something was definitely wrong.

"Well, where was the last place you saw them?" Aaron asked, sitting down next to me.

"I saw Jemmy right before Peggy went to the highway," Jefferson said, sniffling.

We all exchanged puzzled looks.

"And I saw Maria right before y'all left for the hospital."

This made sense. They 'disappeared' in close times. They must be together right now.

"It makes sense." I exclaimed.

Jefferson turned to me.

"How?" He asked.

"They disappeared in really close times." I replied.

"That doesn't mean shit." Jefferson snapped.

Alexander pushed his way between Aaron and I to get closer to Jefferson, squishing John against the window.

"Erm, hello?" John groaned, holding his hand to the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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