Chapter 8 ~ I've Been Reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine

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Once walked out of the hospital, Jefferson turned to all of us.

"Okay so obviously Theo and Aaron are my right hands," Jefferson laughed. "And y'all are... my minions okay?"

Alexander poked Jefferson in the chest and I immediately ran towards him to guard him from hurting himself.

"Hey, just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm a minion, got that?" Alexander yelled through gritted teeth.

I peeled Alexander off of the annoyed Jefferson and pushed him towards John. I put my arms up between them.

"Guys, we don't need fighting already," I sighed. "It hasn't even been 2 minutes yet."

Jefferson rolled his eyes. "I know the most, therefore I am the best, and therefore, therefore, I am the leader."

"Could you all just shut up," Burr cried, breaking the arguement.

Theo nodded and rolled her eyes. Alexander leaned into John and John nodded, stroking Alexander's hair.

"Where do we go now?" Burr asked.

Jefferson looked at all of us with a very serious stare.

"Where do we go?!" Alexander yelled, breaking the silence.

John shushed him and held Alexander even closer then before.

"We need to go to Mr. Paine." Jefferson replied, his voice deep.

John's eyes lit up.

"As in THE Thomas Paine?!" John squealed.

Wait... THOMAS Paine?! OH MY GOD! John and I started jumping around in circles as the rest of the boys stared at us, not amused. I saw Jefferson's expression and immediately stopped. I coughed.

"Sorry." I huffed.

"Yes, Thomas Paine." Jefferson sneered.

"Where is he?" Burr asked.

John and I looked at Burr like he was crazy.

"Of course he's at his most famous office!" John squeaked.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air with my eyes closed. I let silence surround us for a couple of seconds, then opened my eyes. "What does Thomas Paine have to do with this?"

Jefferson rolled his eyes and gestured us towards his car. It was a velvety purple with white rimmed tires.

"Will we all fit in here?" Theo asked, popping a bubble of gum.

"7 seater car." Jefferson mumbled, getting in the driver's seat.

We all shrugged and got in. I sat in the passenger's seat, Theo and Burr sat in the middle seats and Alex and John sat in the back seats.

"How long will this take?" John asked, while Alex lay across his lap.

"Enough with the questions," Jefferson yelled. "And... about half an hour."

We all nodded and proceeded to leave the hospital.


Alex looked up at me and frowned. I gave him a curious look back.

"Angelica will be upset we are meeting Thomas Paine." Alex stated, playing with his hair.

I've been reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine. So men think that I'm intense, or I'm insane. You want a revolution? I want a revelation! So listen to my declaration! Is all that goes through my head when Angelica yelled that at Burr. I nodded and shrugged it off. Alex gazed into my eyes again.

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