04; oh

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"That's not your fucking kid."

My phone went off

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My phone went off. It was the first notification that I had gotten in 2 month. I could be dead but I guess my friends didn't care. Multiple times I thought of just getting rid of my phone.

I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey it's Finn."


"Listen, the wedding got moved to next month; grace is pregnant!" He excitedly stated.

"Oh congrats! How far along?" I asked trying to act like I care and failing miserably.

"About two months!" He yelled. I did some quick math in my head before realizing what I witnessed two months ago.

"Fuck!" I yelled before running to get my keys.


I got in my car and sped off. I dialed Jacks number while lighting a cigarette. This stressed me out.

"Hey?" He asked.

"Good job, you got Grace pregnant. You're gonna be a dad... again." I flatly said remembering Ellie.

"No? That's not mine, I can tell you that much. I trust my pull out." He said somewhat proudly. How can he act like this right now.

"Listen, finn doesn't know. I'm going to tell him now." I sighed. A little girl like scream cans from jack.

"No. No. Bad plan. Finn will kill me." He frantically said.

"Too bad." I said before hanging up. I was just turning onto the highway when I realized:

Jack was right. Never thought I'd say that.

Finn sounded so happy. I couldn't tell him that she's cheating on him, let alone that he's not the father. I got off at the next exit and drove home.

1 month later

Day of my death. Today I get to see the guy I thought I would marry walked down the aisle, cry when he sees the bride, and kiss her.

The venue was beautiful. Displays of roses were in each corner with a chocolate fountain on one side. I sat in my assigned chair. Soon, Wyatt approached me.

"H-Hey. Finn needs help. Something about 'a girls opinion'." He said doing air quotes. I stood up and followed him down a hallway. He opened the door and I saw Finn standing in front of a mirror. Gaten, Jaeden, and Caleb were helping him with his suit.

"Hey! Guys come back in a minute. I just need some help." He laughed. The boys said their greetings to me as they left the room.

"Am-am I making a mistake?" He asked. I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Well I don't know Grace, but you seemed happy." I fake smiled.

"You haven't talked to me in months. Things have changed. She cheated on me a couple months back." He said sitting in a chair by the window.


"And I don't know... when I thought about getting married I always thought it would be to you. Not like I think about you a lot." He rambled. I walked over to him and fixed some of his curls.

He stood up and towered over me.

"So you still love me, huh?" I laughed. He nodded. I soon realized how close our faces were. I guess Finn realized too because he started to lean in. I grabbed his collar.

"I wouldn't blame you because guess what?" I smirked. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"What?" He smirked. His minty breath hit my face which made me shiver.

"That's not your fucking kid." I whispered. I guess he didn't understand what I said at first because he kissed me before immediately pulling away.

"What?!" He said.

"It's Jacks. I had to tell you. I'm sorry." I sighed. He took a couple deep breaths before walking to the door.

"You should leave," He said, "I have to get married." He snarled.


Finn was at the alter. He was awkwardly shifting his weight as Grace walked towards him. Graces eyes were watering as Finn showed no emotions.

After the priest spoke for a while, he turned towards Finn.

"Finn, do you take grace to be your wife?" He smiled asking the age old question.

"I-um." He stuttered.

He couldn't do it.

Whoops some light smut will be next chapter just a warning

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