Falling For Harry: Chapter Two

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    Harry's lips felt so soft against mine. He leans back and smiles. " Does this mean you will be my girlfriend now? " Harry asks. " Does this tell you? " I say as I lean in and kiss him again and smile during it. I pull back and lay my head on his shoulder as he reaches for my hand again. 

    After the amusement park we go out to eat. Over dinner I ask him about his younger life. He tells me about his older sister Gemma and about growing up in Cheshire. As we were leaving the restaurant, the paparazzi and some fans have found us. The paparazzi are asking if we were dating and where he had taken me. We ignored the paparazzi. Harry took pictures with some fans as I stood and watched. When we are finally free from fans and the paparazzi, Harry grabs my hand again. I can hear the paparazzi far away saying, " They're holding hands! Did you get that on tape? " Harry's hands are soft and warm. He opens the car door for me and lets me in. As Harry's driving I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. Harry smiles at this. He takes me to his penthouse for awhile. We walk into the house hand in hand. Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn and some girl I dont know are sitting on the couch when we walk in. " Is this that firl you were talking about all night yesterday? " Liam asks. I giggle at this. " Yes, this is Sophie. " Harry says. Liam walks over to me. " It's nice to finally meet you Sophie, " Liam says and gives me a quick hug then walks off. Harry guides me to the couch and we sit down. " Where are you from? Harry told me but I forgot. " Louis asks me. " I'm origanilly from Florida but my family and I had to move to London. " I answer. " I love going to Florida! " Louis says. " Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you Louis' girlfriend. " Harry says. " Hi, I'm Serenity. " She says while shaking my hand. I say hi back. Serenity has bonde hair that falls right below her chest and bright blue eyes. Shes wearing a white ruffled shirt with a black scarf and jeans with black stilettos. She is absolutely gorgeous. 

    Harry and I decide to go watch a film in his bedroom. " What's your favorite film? " He asks me. " Probably ' Love Actually ' . I reply. " That's also one of my favorites. " Harry says. He puts the film in and comes back to sit with me. About half way through the movie I start to feel tired. I lay my head down on Harry's chest and wrap my arms around him. He pulls my legs across his, for me to be more comfortable, puts his arm around me, and kisses me on the head. When the film is over I tell him I should get back so Oakley doesn't worry to much.

    When we arrive back at my penthouse Harry walks me to the door. " I've had an amazing time with you today babe. " Harry says. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for the most amazing kiss we both have ever shared. " I know this may sound crazy, for it being our first date and all, but I think I love you. " Harry says. I smile at him. " I think I love you too. " I say. Harrys gives me one last hug before saying goodnight. " I'll call you tomorrow babe. " Harry says. I knock at the door hoping Oakley would come answer it. She opens the door finally. " How was your date with Harry? " She asks me. " It was perfect! He took me to the amusement park. " I say. " Sounds romantic. " Oakley says jokingly. " It was! How was your date with Niall? Where'd you guys go? " I ask. " He took me to Nando's , of course. Afterwards, we went to his penthouse and watched some films. He also taught me to play the guitar some! " Oakley exclaims. " Sounds like you two had a great time together! " I head off to my bedroom to wash off my make up and brush my hair and teeth. I lay down in my bed and get on my twitter. I notice people were talking about Harry and I. Somethings people were saying about me were really nice. Some one said that if we were dating we would make the cutest couple! While on the other hand the other posts were not so overwhelming to me. The were saying that I was ugly and I didn't deserve to be with Harry.  Reading this made my eyes fill up with tears. I put my phone down and whipe away my tears. It is so tempting to just look at all these things people were saying about me. But I knew I shouldn't look. It would only turn this perfect night into a horrible one. I want to know why they were saying that about me though, shouldn't they be happy for Harry and I if they were real fans? I had to get this off my mind. I watched television for about two hours and I start to fall asleep not remembeing about those mean things people were saying.

    The next morning I awake to my phone ringing. I notice Harry's name at the top. I answer. "Hello?" I say sleepily. " Goodmorning beautiful! Sorry if woke you up. I want to tell you something. Come outside. " Harry says. I look outside my window and see Harry standing by his car. I quickly brush my teeth and pull up my hair. I open the front door. " What are you doing? " I ask with a laugh. Harry walks up to me. " How about we spend the day together? We could go out to lunch and go to the beach. " Harry says. I run over and give him a big hug. "I'd love to babe, but first let me get dressed." I say. " You can come in and talk with Oakley. " I say as I grab his hand.

    I pick out a white bikini and put it on under my pink tank top and white shorts. I walk into the living rook where Harry was. " Wow, you look beautiful. " Harry says. " You don't look bad yourself. " I say as Harry kisses me on the cheek. " I will have her back before 10:30. " Harry tells Oakley. " Okay! You two have fun! " Oakley replys. 

    " I was thinking we would have an early lunch at The Larder? " Harry says. " Ya, sounds good! " I say as I give Harry a kiss on his lips. Harry takes my hand. Over lunch he tells me about the boys and funny stories about them. After we eat lunch we walk down to the beach hand in hand. I rumage through my bag to find my black ray bans and put them on. " You look good in sunglasses babe. " Harry says. I just giggle. We finally reach the beach. I take off my sandals to walk in the sand. The sand is burning hot but feels nice between my toes. We find an empty area to sit our stuff. I take off my shirt and shorts. I look up noticing Harry staring at me raising his eyebrows. " What? Do I look bad or something? " I ask. " No! You look just amazing in a swim suit. " I laugh. Harry then takes off his shirt. I try not to stare, but I can't. Harry's body was amazing. He catches my eye, I look away laughing. I lay down on my towel. " Do you want to go to the water yet? " Harry asks. " Not yet. I just want to lay here and tan for a while. " I say. Next thing I know Harry wraps his arms around my waist and is pulling me over his shoulder. " Harry! Put me down! " I yell. Harry just laughs and walks straight into the water. When the water is about waist deep, he drops me in. "This is so cold!!" I yell. I look back at Harry who is only laughing at me. I start to walk out of the water back to the shore, but Harry grabs my hand pulling me back and grabbing my face and kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck. I finally pull back. I look him in the eyes and run my fingers through his hair. Then I step back and splash him. 


Falling For Harry: A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now