Falling For Harry: Chapter One

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     My best friend Oakley and I are sitting in T.G.I. Fridays for lunch. I look above my menu to see a tall young man with curly hair staring at me. I smile at him awkwardly. Oakley notices I'm smiling at someone and turns around to see at who. She looks back at me, her big brown eyes widen. “Do you realize who that is?! HARRY STYLES!!” I couldn’t believe Harry Styles was staring at me, AT ME! I notice he was walking straight towards me. I start to get butterflies. I give him a big smile as he stops at our table. “Hi,” Harry says “I couldn’t help noticing you and your beautiful eyes when I walked in.” I start to blush. “Well thank you.”I say. Harry smiles at me. “What’s your name?” He asks. “I’m Sophie.” I say. “What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Harry says. “My name is Harry.” I laugh a little. “I know who you are, I’m a huge fan of you and the boys.” I say. Harry laughs. He suddenly sits down next to me in the booth. Niall , who was with Harry , sits beside Oakley. Harry has always been the one in the band I have actually fallen in love with. After we ate we sit there just telling stories and asking questions about each other. I learned a lot about Harry that I actually didn’t know. I got to know him as a person, not just as someone who was famous. I noticed Niall was flirting with Oakley. He had always been her favorite in the band. When we decided it was getting late, we headed out to our cars. Harry gave me a hug and whispered in my ear “I had a great time tonight, I really like you.” He says. He leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek. Just before we were about to leave Harry handed me a little piece paper. I unfolded it and to my surprise I see Harry’s number on it. “Call me tomorrow. We should do something together.” Harry says. I smile at him. “Sounds great! I’ll call you.” Niall quickly gives Oakley a hug and a little peck on the cheek. We say good night to the boys and Oakley and I head to my car. When I got in the car I completely just froze. I just couldn’t believe what had just happened to us. We met Harry Styles and Niall Horan, we had dinner with them, and we got kissed by them. I was just unbelievable. Oakley and I talked about the night we just had all the way back to our penthouse.  We both could not sleep. We had so much running through our minds about that night. Finally, around 3 am Oakley and I drifted off to sleep.

    When I wake up finally, its 2 pm. I brush my teeth and pull back my hair. I pick out some dark grey sweat pants and a white hoodie just to wear for this morning. I go to the kitchen where I hear Oakley talking on the phone. About 5 minutes later shes hangs up. I ask her who she was talking to. "Last night Niall gave me his number and told me to call him in the morning." Oakley says. "He asked me to go out to dinner with him tonight." Oakley says with a smile on her face. "Oh that reminds me I need to call Harry! " I say. I go back to my room to find my cell phone. I pick up my phone with out hesitation and dial Harry's number, he picks up on the first ring. "Hello?" Harry answers. "Hey its Sophie, remember me? You interrupted Oakley and my dinner last night." I say jokingly. "Haha, how could I forget?!" Harry says. "Haha, so you wanted me to call you?" I say. "Yes, I was wondering if you would like to go out somewhere with me tonight?" Harry asks. "Of course, I would love to! Where are we going to go?" I ask him. "Its a surprise!" Harry says. He asks for my address and I give it to him. "Alright, I'll be there around 5 to pick you up." Harry says then hangs up. I have just a couple hours to get ready. Oakley helps me decide on what to wear. I decided on a black lace tank top with bright pink shorts and white lace toms. Then I helped Oakley pick out her dress for her dinner with Niall. She decided on a yellow sun dress that falls right above her knees, with a brown belt and brown scandals. It was almost 5 by the time I got my make up and hair finished. I sit and wait for Harry to come pick me up. When suddenly there's a knock at the door, I get nervous. I open the door to see Harry standing there wearing a beanie with an orange shirt with jeans. "You look amazing." Harry tells me. I blush and say thank you. I say good bye to Oakley and we leave. "Where are we going?" I ask Harry. "You'll see." He answers. We get to his car and he opens the door for me. He has me put on a blind fold so that I don't know were we are going. On our way to the secret destination Harry asks me questions about my life. I start to tell him about where I grew up and about my family. I tell him that I grew up in Miami, Florida and had to move to London because my dad had got a job promotion and their business was relocating. I tell him about my younger sister and brother Paisley and Channing. I started going to school that fall when I moved to London and that's when I met my best friend Oakley. Now I am trying to find a job and on the other side I want to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional dancer. We finally arrive at the unknown location. Harry opens the door for me to get out. He then takes me by the hand and we walk for what seemed like 10 minutes. I smell popcorn and I hear people screaming. We finally stop. " You can take your blind fold off now." Harry says. I take off the blind fold, I see roller coasters, ferris wheels and all kinds of rides. We were at an amusement park! I smile big at Harry and give him a hug with a peck on the cheek. Harry looks me in the eyes, his perfect green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Harry then reaches down and grabs my hand. Our fingers interlock together. We smile at each other and I blush. 

    Before we leave the amusement park Harry asks me if I want to go on the ferris wheel. I tell him I'm afraid of heights. "Come on, I'll be beside you the whole time, it'll be fine babe." Harry says. As we wait in line for the ride I get nervous. I've never been on a ferris wheel because of my fear. The amusement park worker opens the cart door for both for us to get in. Once we are in Harry puts his arm around me and tells me its alright I'm right here you don't have to be afraid. The ferris wheel starts to turn. I start to get scared again. Harry notices and grabs my hand and squeezing it. The ride goes on for what seemed forever. Then we stopped, we were at the very top while they let more people on. We both are admiring the great view. As I turn to look the other way I notice Harry staring at me. I smile and look down. Harry lifts my chin up and brushes away a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He cups my face with both of his hands and leans in kissing me.


Falling For Harry: A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now