Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Anastasia's P.O.V

As soon as the doors opened everyone stopped talking. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Walking into the meeting room, with my head held high and hanging of Cole's arm like a true Queen would do.

I made eye contact with every single one of my tormentors. Mitch, Kaityln, John and all the others. Earlier Cole told me that I didn't have to call them Alpha or Luna anymore, due to the fact I'm not queen.

Anyway, Let me tell you one thing seeing there shocked faces gave me more satisfaction then I could possibly ask for. And I'm so happy I could have Cole right by my side.

Breaking me out of my thoughts I hear "What are you doing here? This is for high ranked wolfs not filthy little dogs like you." Said on girl.

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, I heard growls. Not one but three! One coming from look I would understand but the other two were coming from two guys at the front of the table, where we were suppose to be sitting. One had brown hair and brown eyes, the other was also brown hair with really tan skin with blue eyes that just pop out. They were both really cute, but not as cute as my mate.

"You will respect my mate and your future queen." Cole says angrily.

Hearing gasps after gasps of shock, and seeing all there faces. I just couldn't help but let out a laugh. From the corner of my eye I saw Cole look at me through the corner of his and started showing that sexy smirk he does.

"She nothing but my slave. MINE! I own her!" Mitch said well more like yelled at Cole. "She's nothing but an ungrateful whore!"

Cole let out a vicious growl. "You will not talk that way about my mate. My mate is your future queen, not a slave. Your queen. Understand? She is MINE! Not yours, MINE! If you ever talk bad about my mate again, I'll kill you. I'll ripe you limb from limb. I'll ripe your heart out chop it up into tiny pieces and then send your body parts bit by bit to your family. Do you understand me pup?" Cole said with a deadly voice.

Geez, Cole is so possessive but he's my possessive mate. He makes me feel so safe.

"Queen? No thanks Cole but I'm not taking orders from her, I'm an alpha I don't take orders from women." Some guy with blonde hair says. He just had the looks that screamed 'I'm a dick!'

"Well that's good to hear." Cole said with a big smile. "Because everyone in here that was rude, disrespectful and a complete dick or bitch to my sweet Anastasia has official been stripped from there power of either Alpha, Beta or Third." Cole said with so much power that it turned me on big time. That voice sent shivers down my back.

"WHAT?!" Said a couple of people at the same time.

"You heard what I said." Cole said with no emotion on his face.

"King Cole who's going to take over there packs?" Asked Alpha Adams, he is such a cute old man. Always been the sweetest alpha I met.

"Good question Adam. If a Alpha and only the Alpha was bullying her the Alpha position goes to Beta. If all three of the high ranked wolfs bullied her, then that goes to the Omega of the pack." Cole said.

"Why can't it go to Jay?" Asked Travis, Travis is the Third of the Blue Stone Pack who has bullied me along side him were the Alpha and Beta, and Jay is the fourth in command.

How do I know this? Mitch and Kaityln would always throw parties with 3 other packs, Red Rock pack, Blue Stone Pack, and ThunderStorm pack. I know a lot about the packs.

Like the Blue Stone Pack's omega is a tall but skinny male wolf named Anthony. He is such a sweet guy, he deserves a wonderful mate.

"Why the omega?" The Alpha Bruce said shocked.

"Because the omega most likely has a heart, a person who is independent. Unlike your pack who probably bullied her including your fourth Jay. The Bluestone Pack is nothing but dependent stuck up wolfs." Cole said while snarling.

Looking over at Cole I see his eyes roaming the room making contact with the older Alphas and Luna's.

"Well that's what the meeting was about, so you can all go. Except all the wolfs that are getting there powers taken away from them." Cole said with that voice again.

As soon as those words come out of his mouth most of the people get up leaving 5 wolfs behind.

Looking at them all sternly Cole continues on, "I King Cole Edwards take away Alpha Bruce and Alpha Mitch power from them handing both down to the omegas of the pack. Beta John and Beta Ned I take the Beta position away from you and handing it to the 2nd omega in the pack."

Ned is betas to Bruce from the BlueStone Pack.

"And Travis do I have even say it to you, but even if you didn't hear cus your head is so far up your ass I'm still going to say it. Third in command Travis I take away your power and hanging it over to 3rd Omega in your pack." Cole said without stopping to take a breath.

"Now if you excuse me, I want to spend sometime with my mate." Cole said turning towards me giving me a light kiss on the lips. Making me want him even more.

"Come on babe." Cole said to me, grabbing my hand, and leading me to our room.

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