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sinai couldn't believe he had brought her to this place. besides having wanted to go there for a long time, she had always heard of how beautiful it was and how she couldn't miss it. and thanks to jimin, she wouldn't.

the place was gigantic and only a few minutes away from busan. she didn't know exactly where they were, and it made it all even more interesting.

jimin watched as she widened her eyes in wonder while they walked through the gates. it was night time, so it was likely that they would be the only ones there, which on the other side also called for trouble. and not only because of the fact that he grew more attracted to her by the second.

it was closed for the public, due to the late hours, but jimin had always been keen on finding ways to break into places like this. not that it was that hard, anyway. they were lucky enough that some of the lights were still left on.

"you realize we can easily get lost in here, right?" sinai spoke, turning slightly so she could look at his slightly taller frame.

"i wouldn't mind getting lost with you," he had that smug smile on his face that sinai knew was her favorite smile of his.

which was why she took his hand and entered the gigantic maze, dragging him along with her.

the tall bushes were filled with violet colored flowers and everything around them spelled magic. sinai was sure that he was right to call this his wonderland, even though from that moment on she would be calling it hers too. lately, they had been sharing a lot.

"okay, so how do we figure out how to get out?" she questioned, watching as jimin reached for his back pocket and took out a map.

"well, i still have this from one of the times i came here while it was open, so i think it should do," he shrugged, pointing to what looked like a gate to their right side. "besides, there's emergency exits along the path anyway."

sinai looked around, stopping in her tracks. "are you up for something crazy?"

jimin lifted his eyebrow. "like what?"

moving closer to him, she stood in front of him as she looked up at his face. biting the inside of her cheek, she reached for the map that he was holding, making sure to run her hand over the muscles of his upper arm, forearm and landing on his veiny hand. with a quick tug, she took the map from his hand and darted down one of the thousand paths.

"shit," jimin cussed as he realized what she had done. well, once his heart beat had fucking calmed down anyway.

the path sinai had chosen was easily the longest one, but also the one that had the best views, even though she wasn't exactly mindful of that. all she wanted was to escape from jimin as fast as she could, and for the first time, it wasn't because she actually wanted to get away from him. it was because she wanted him to follow her.

jimin looked to both of his sides as he tried to figure out which of them sinai had taken. he didn't need to think for long, as her heartedly giggle was heard to his right. this put a smile on jimin's face, and he took a right turn and once again walked in between the tall hedges.

sinai was enjoying herself to say the least. everything about this situation reminded her of the time they had first met in person, and little did she know, it reminded jimin of the same situation. they both laughed at how silly the both had been back then, and smiled at the thought of where they were now.

sinai looked over her shoulder as she turned once again in the maze, seeing specks of his golden hair down the path she had just turned from. hiding behind one of the hedges, she held in her breath as the whole activity had worn her out. her chest heaved up and down, especially because she knew he was probably about to find her.

"you do like hide and seek, don't you?" she heard his raspy voice right on the other side of the hedge. giggling lightly, she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes.

and then, she felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her body and lifting her slightly, a heartedly laugh leaving jimin's throat.

"gotcha," he whispered as he set her down, a smile on his lips which was the mirror image of sinai's.

"damn it," she whispered under her breath, for more reasons than one. firstly, because he had been able to find her. secondly, because of how close he was. and thirdly, because of how much she enjoyed it.

his eyes looked into hers, trying to find any signs that this was the moment for him to stop before she ran from him again. instead, all he found was the same sort of happiness that he was experiencing himself. tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, jimin held on to her for a few moments longer, his heart speeding up as she laid her head against his chest.

sinai couldn't explain the way she felt having him so close. she knew her cheeks were past red by now, but besides that, she felt a strange sense of comfort. his cologne was intoxicating, seeping through her senses and numbing her brain, impeding her from thinking of all the ways he could possibly hurt her and instead letting her listen to her heart for once.

and after that night, her heart truly wanted to give in to jimin.

as if on cue, jimin let go of her only to place his hand under her chin. his other hand ran down her arm, holding on to her hand as his face leaned closer to hers.

she bit her lip, deciding that she was ready to let it happen. she was going to let jimin kiss her.

and when she closed her eyes, the boy smiled and stole the map from her hand. "tag, you're it," he whispered, this time, running from her himself.

sinai quickly opened her eyes only to see him running down another path, her hands on her hips as she scoffed. he had just pulled a her on her and she couldn't believe him.

nevertheless, she found herself running after him, their laughter and giggles filling the air and, somehow, filling the previous hole in her heart too.

author's note
part three of these full length chapters is here! im not sure if there will be either one more or two more, which i will try to write and update in the next week.
thank you sm for all the reads and votes!! you keep me going!!
ILY <3

(btw i was listening to that song while writing this and it fits their relationship SO WELL)

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