in which sinai chairak rated park jimin a six out of ten.
highest ranking: #32 in bts
warning: contains swearing, violence, abuse of alcohol and mature scenes.
( lowercase intended )
nojamsjimin so you're certain completely utterly certain
sinfulsinai yes jimin i just cant do this anymore i feel like theres just no use
nojamsjimin you're right at least we're both on the same board, right? just so nobody gets their feelings hurt and we can move on
sinfulsinai move on? wow that was quick
nojamsjimin well what do you want me to do?
sinfulsinai i dont know im sorry i just didnt expect it to be so soon
nojamsjimin we had fun, didnt we? i still remember the first time we talked or well the first time you insulted me with that 6
sinfulsinai you insulted me with a nine too are you kidding me
nojamsjimin well its no use fighting over this now
sinfulsinai youre right lets just remember the good moments be civil about this
nojamsjimin yeah thats for the best a
re we really gonna say like proper goodbyes
yes otherwise we could regret it someday it was nice getting to know you, nojamsjimin im sorry this just doesnt work out anymore
nojamsjimin it was nice knowing you too, sinfulsinai
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sinfulsinai has disconnected. nojamsjimin has disconnected.
"you just had to send a meme, didn't you?" jimin tackled sinai to the couch, throwing his phone mindlessly away.
"well, we were being dramatic, i thought why the fuck not?" sinai giggled as he pressed his fingers to her sides. "the best thing i ever did on that wretched app was send memes."
"wretched? it introduced me to you," jimin cheesed, showing her a wide smile. sinai rolled her eyes as she pushed him away.
"yah! you cheeseball," she chuckled before pressing her lips to his cheek as he snaked his arm around her waist.
the both directed their gaze to taehyung, who was currently sitting on the armchair in jimin's living room. or yet, their living room, since sinai had officially moved in as of the previous night.
"how did you convince him to install the app again?" sinai whispered to jimin, as her boyfriend watched taehyung type away on his phone, a grin on his face.
"i didn't have to. all i did was tell him that i met you through it and he jumped at the chance," jimin shrugged, running his hand through his hair.
"say jimin," taehyung suddenly averted his attention to the pair. "what was your rate.u average?"
"i think it was like an eight," jimin pursed his lips and pretended to think for a moment. "though i firmly believe that sinai here was the one who messed up my average anyway."
"i just find it weird how your average isn't seven since i was supposed to be the only one to rate you," sinai squinted her eyes at him.
"they were all before you, baby," he promised, cooing at her.
"you guys are disgusting," taehyung rolled his eyes, standing up and wiping imaginary dust off his pants. "anyway, i should get going. thanks for dinner!"
"you're welcome!" sinai and jimin said in unison, laughing right after, which only earned another eye roll from taehyung.
just as he was about to open the door, the doorbell rang once. since he was already up, taehyung slowly opened the door.
the petite brunette waltzed in the room, gucci from head to toe, holding coco's leash in one hand and a bag on the other.
"hi sinai, i'm here to return your dog, even though she wasn't so useful in getting that veterinarian to like me," she pouted.
yup, sinai had lended jennie her dog just so she could score a veterinarian. that was the kind of friend she was. sinai stood up, taking the leash from her hand and chuckling. "why? was he a cat person?"
sinai didn't get her answer as instead jennie let out a squeal. "oh my god, are you taehyung?"
"wait," he squinted his eyes at her, analyzing her face. "jennie?"
sinai and jimin shared a confused look.
"huh... what's going on?" jimin arched his eyebrow.
"he rated me a seven!" jennie screeched, teeth gritting together.
"well i'm sorry i don't do anything except new season gucci," taehyung shrugged, earning a gasp from jennie.
"it's called vintage, you moron!" jennie immediately started discussing with him.
meanwhile, sinai freed coco from her leash, bringing the dog to the couch so she could cuddle next to jimin.
"ten bucks says they'll end up together," jimin chuckled, petting coco on the head.
"you really wanna bet on our friends' love life?" sinai faked a gasp before smiling. "make it twenty and i'm in."
"twenty? let's do it," he pressed a soft kiss to her lips to seal the deal. "i've been feeling pretty lucky lately."
pushing him once again, sinai chuckled before laying her head on his shoulder.
smiling, the same thought ran through both of their minds.
they would've both rated their relationship a ten out of ten.
*** author's note
and here is the LAST CHAPTER of rate.u! an epilogue is coming but it'll be more like a bonus chapter of sorts.
i can't believe this story is over. it was so funny and amazing to write, i have grown to love both sinai and jimin, and seeing how they grew throughout the story was amazing.
thank you so much for the support, especially those of you who have been here since the beginning. you know who you are. thank you SO MUCH.