chapter four

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ashlynn / cameron

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ashlynn / cameron


Pressing the ninth button, I began to look down in thought. It's not that I was shy or anything, I just wasn't up for the whole charade. Sure, I knew who we was, hell, who didn't? But I'm pretty sure he has zero clue—

My thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.  

"Hey...don't I know you from somewhere?" Cameron started. 

My eyes widened, as I quickly replied. "Nope, no y- I mean, you probably don't." 

He squinted his eyes, "I know who you are. I just wanted to see if you would own up," he said, smirking slightly. "Ashlynn Carters, huh? Of all people." 

"Well, I'm flattered. Of all people, huh?" 

He trailed his eyes shamelessly down my body, the ends of his lips tugging upwards, I started to fidget under his stare, as his eyes met mine. 

"Who wouldn't know you? Hot as hell, sexy ass legs, killer bod, I mean—come on, I'm sure you know you're not as invisible as you try make yourself seem looking like that." 

Firstly, I was blushing like crazy. Secondly, I refuse to believe Cameron had just said that to me. 

Nope, nada - not in this lifetime. Even if, I don't want people at school getting to know me. Once you make a new friend, you just get closer and closer, it's inevitable. I swore to myself I'd never let anyone find out my secret, and I intend on keeping that. 

Hiding behind my curtain of which I call my hair, I looked away. I sucked in a breath and looked down. Before my brain could manufacture a witty reply, the lift suddenly jerked to a rough stop, the lights flickering on and off repeatedly. 

"What the fuck?" Cameron screeched. His eyes darted toward me, as the lift jerked downward, then back up. 

I seriously wasn't ready for this. I closed my eyes, turning away from his gaze, facing the wall. Focusing on maintaining by breath - I gripped the sidebars of the lift tighter; my hands started trembling slightly, so I couldn't take out my phone without dropping it, or something. Turning back around I looked up to find Cameron staring intently at me. 

"I-I'm sorry, I don't—what do we do?" I breathed, shakily. 

"In all honesty? I've got zero fucking idea, gorgeous." 

I rolled my eyes at his flirtatious remarks.  

We sat in there, for just about thirty minutes, exchanging a few short conversations here and there. The whole while it was becoming increasingly hard for me to breathe. Among the long list of problems I had, mild claustrophobia was one of them. I kept clear of tiny spaces, because once I was in there longer than I needed to be, many things could possibly go wrong. 

While Cameron was chatting my ear of about his football career, or rather, supposed future career—I could feel beads of sweat forming around my forehead. A feeling of tightness appeared in my chest, and I was starting to feel waves of chills rush over my body every now and then. Suddenly, Cameron stopped talking. 

I snapped my eyes open to find him staring directly at me, our eyes meeting. There was a glint of confusion in his eyes, which I ignored. 

As you can see, I wasn't currently in the state to explain. 

"Ashlynn, are—are you okay? There's air conditioning in here...why are you—are you cold? What's going on— wait a sec.."

 A few moments passed before his facial features flashed in recognition. 

"You have claustrophobia don't you?" he said, his tone of voice increasing. "Why didn't you say so, huh!" 

My teeth were starting to chatter at this point. I shot him a hard glare, well as much as a I could muster in my state. 

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness, I didn't realize it was part of basic etiquette to inform strangers of their issues." 

And that ladies and gentlemen, was all it took, for Cameron Reed, to start pacing the 30 square feet elevator, while I sat losing my head on the glossy floors. 

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a u t h o r ' s     n o t e  

hey everyone! i feel as though i'm apologizing for not updating enough every chapter  im literally an apology whore. wow. 

short chapter but i hope you guys enjoy this. keep reading please! its summer break so im gonna try my hardest to update more. i had a plot in mind for each chapter so i hope it goes. 

see you sooooon 

stay stunning :) 

- burgundypalette x 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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