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Jungkook was pissed, no one dared to not answer his questions. "H-his bu-unny p-pooped i-in my gar-rden."

Jungkook chuckled darkly at the lame peice of excuse for hurting Taehyung, "Sluttering now are we?"

By now Taehyung had stopped crying, he was suprized at how angry Jungkook was. Did he interupt Jungkook in something or is he just normally like this? His eyes were wide, brown orbs glistening, he was like a peice of glass, fragile and broken easily. Well that's what he looked like, he was normally his normal self - sassy and arrongant. The bunny had now returned to Taehung and it sat on his lap wanting to watch to.

Jungkook harshly grabbed the man's collar and pushed him on the ground earning a thud. His foot was dangerously close to his cock. You may think that Jungkook was overreacting but something in him wanted to slice the man's throat off for shouting and hurting Taehyung.
He then slammed his foot on the man's private area earning a loud groan mixed with a scream.

Jungkook then crouched down to taehyung's level and sat down patting the boy's head while Taehyung sat there with his mouth agape.

Taehyung then scooted closer to jungkook and grabbed his arm resting his head on jungkook's shoulder.

Dedicated to taestykookies69

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Dedicated to taestykookies69

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