Chapter Eight

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Elsa stared at Tooth in disbelief. Her? A guardian? What did the moon have in store for her? She took a deep breath. If she couldn't leave, she'd have to learn how to control her powers, and quick. She couldn't stand hurting anyone else. Her mind flashed back to her and Anna ice skating in the middle of the summer. She once had control of her powers. She was once a trustworthy person. She didn't know if she was anymore. But she had to at least try to gain control, right? She did. For Jack.

"Tooth, what was Jack's past like?" Elsa suddenly asked.

"I don't know much. But he died to save his sister, you know. They were both stuck out on the ice, and it was cracking. Jack saved his sister but in return fell into the ice himself."

"He never told me that."

"He didn't know that when he knew you." Elsa pondered Tooth's words for a few seconds. Her mind strayed towards her own sister, Anna. She missed her so much.

Then North stepped back into the room. "Jack is fine," he said. Elsa let out a sigh of relief. "He wants to see you." Elsa stiffened. Could she bring herself to face Jack after hurting him? She stood in silence for a few seconds. Then bunny entered the room.

"Jack is still asking to see her," he declared. "You better go see him," he said, turning to Elsa. She took a deep breath and rubbed her palms along her dress.

"Okay," she said at last. "Take me to him." North nodded with a smile and led her to the doorway of a small room.

"He's in there." he said, then left. Elsa paused, putting her hand on the wooden frame of the door. Frost began covering it. She gasped and quickly withdrew her hand. She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing.

"Hold it together, Elsa," she told herself, and walked into the room.

Jack's head lifted as she answered and a smile grew on his face. His chest was still bare, as his hoodie was still in the main room. His frosty hair sat messily on top of his head. Elsa's eyes glanced towards the wound on his shoulder. The wound she had caused.

Jack saw her staring at it. "It's okay, Elsa. I'm fine. It was just a scratch."

"No, Jack it wasn't just a scratch. I'm so sorry. Pitch, he planted fake memories into my mind, he told me to kill you. I had been so lost and so confused, my brain was filled with fake memories of another life. I believed him. And I hurt you, Jack." She stood near the wall opposite him, not wanting to get any closer.

The smile faded from Jack's lips and eyes. "Elsa..." he readjusted himself on the bed he had been sitting on to turn his body towards her. "It's okay. I know what it feels like to feel alone and confused, to not know what your past was. To have memories missing from your mind. I know. But we're past that now. You're going to be a guardian. We'll stop whatever Pitch is trying to do together. It'll be you and I, Elsa, fighting through this together. Together we can help and protect the children, bring winter, and have fun together." Jack began to get up and move towards Elsa.

Elsa held up her hands. "No, Jack, please. Don't come close to me. I don't want to hurt you again. I don't want to hurt anyone ever again. I'm losing control."

"You learned to control it once, you can control it again. And this time I'll be here to help you through it. I won't leave this time. I promise."


"Please, Elsa. Listen to me. We can get through this together. The moon brought you back for a reason. I already lost you once, I don't want to lose you again!" There was silence. Elsa closed her eyes, the fear of herself and the unknown bubbling deep inside.

Jack got up and crossed the room to Elsa's side. He reached up and cupped Elsa's face in his hands. "What helped you control your powers before?"

"Love..." Elsa whispered. God how she'd missed Jack. She opened her eyes to find Jack's snowflake eyes staring into hers. She traced Jack's strong features with her eyes.

A smile crept onto Jack's face and he wrapped his arms around her for a hug. He then kissed her on the cheek. She blushed.

"Jack," she smiled, and leaned in. Their lips met with an intense passion. A longing that had gone on for hundreds of years was finally fulfilled. Elsa ran her fingers through his hair and put her other hand on his bare chest. He pushed her up against the wall, putting one hand around her waist. His head fell from her lips to the exposed skin of her neck and kissed it once, gently.

"I missed you," he murmured into the crook of her neck.

"I missed you too," she let the words escape her mouth. A small nagging sensation was still present in the back of her mind, worried of her strong powers, of Pitch, and of what was to come, but she pushed them aside. Because right now there was no place she'd rather be than in the arms of Jack, the spirit of winter.

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