Chapter Twelve

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Elsa's heartbeat quickening in her chest as she edged closer to Pitches hide out, or at least where she assumed it was given her hazy memories. She took a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves.

Then she saw him. Pitch. He was standing in the middle of the room, dark except for the small rays of moonlight seeping through the cracks in the wall. Dark shadows were gathering around him, swarming in all directions. It was almost time. She thought about leaving. She thought about turning back. But then she thought of Jack. His snowflake eyes, the way he smiled. She thought of all the time they had spent together. She thought of how he helped her as a child and how he helped her now. Then she thought of Anna. All the times she had run from Anna, scared. All the times Anna had still believe in her. She was tired of running. She couldn't turn back now. She had to do this for Jack. For Anna. For all the children the guardians worked so hard to protect. She no longer cared whether she would survive this or not. She only care that she was doing the right thing.

She took a step closer. It was time. Then, a hand grasped hers, pulling her back. She jumped with fright and turned to find a frosty boy staring at her.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"Elsa, please you can't do this. Let me do it. I don't want to lose you again."

"You might not lose me. I could come back as a guardian! I'm still human, Jack. If I do this, I could be like you."

"I don't care if you're a guardian or not, Els. I want you the way you are. I can't risk this. Let me go instead. Please."

Elsa shook her head stubbornly. "You have to let me do this."

"I, I can't. I can't."

"You can. Let me go, Jack." She was now pleading. "Let me go. I promise I'll come back as a guardian. But you have to let me die first."

"You don't know for sure that you will come back."

"I'm willing to take that chance. You have to believe that I will come back."

Jack slowly released her hand, grief clear on his face.

"I love you so much, Jack." Elsa pulled him in for a kiss, then took a step back. "Promise you'll look for me. I'll be lost and alone if I become a guardian. No one will be able to see me because no one will believe in me. I'm counting on you to help me find my way again."

"I promise." A tear slid down his cheek. "I will never stop looking for you, Elsa. I love you."

"I have to go now." She left Jack alone as she crept down towards Pitch who was now surrounded by a ball of black shadows, harvesting the power of fear. A sense of calmness rushed over Elsa. She was accepting this death. And she had hope she would return. The limits of death could not break their love. She will find him again. She will be a guardian and they will live together, forever. She hoped she was right.

Taking a deep breath, she jumped into the shadows, breaking the energy flow. The anguished screams of Pitch echoed as the collected energy exploded.

The eruption send Jack soaring backwards. Then, all was silent. Jack pushed himself up, blinking a few times to clear his head. He looked around. Pitch was gone. She had done it. But Elsa was also gone. Emptiness grew inside him and he fell to his knees. The silence was overwhelming.

Then, he lifted himself up and flew into the air. She wasn't gone, he told himself. She would be a guardian now. He desperately hoped so.

He imagined her waking up as a guardian, alone and afraid.

"I will find you, Elsa. No matter how long it takes." Then he flew off into the dark night.

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