Chapter Ten

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"Elsa, just breathe. It's fine." Jack rested his hands on Elsa's shoulders, feeling them move as she took a deep breath in. They stood in a field of snow outside North's habitat in the North Pole. "Try again." he encouraged. She nodded and lifted her hand with caution. A snowflake appeared in the air, small and dainty and detailed. For a few seconds it floated through the small winter breeze. Then a flash came from Elsa's hands and icicles flew from her fingertips. She groaned and closed her eyes in frustration.

"It's no use, Jack! I've lost control over it again."

"Elsa..." His fingertips brushed her jaw. Their eyes locked together. "Remember what it was that helped you control it the first time."

"Love..." she whispered. Jack smiled and brought her head closer to his for a kiss. There lips met and warmth flooded through Elsa. She released the kiss, red flushing her cheeks. Jack kissed her forehead, then looked her in the eyes with a sheepish grin.

"Let's try it again, but maybe something a bit bigger than a snowflake. Like..." he thought for a moment. Then a smile brushed his lips. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

Memories flooded Elsa's mind, reminding her of the times her and Anna had together. She missed Anna so much... but being here with Jack made her heart ache for her sister lessen. She knew Anna would want her to be happy, so she tried to be.

"Of course I want to build a snowman." She took a long breath and stared at Jack, watching the way his eyes were trained on hers, giving her looks of longing and love. That warm sensation began to flow through her veins again. Then, with confidence, she lifted her arm and, with a wave of her hand, snow began to gather into the shape of a snowman. A smirk grew onto her face.

"Aha! I told you you could do it!" Jack exclaimed. He picked Elsa up in his arms and twirled her around.

"Jack!" she called out with a laugh. It felt good to laugh, she hadn't in so long. "Put me down! It's just a small snowman; it's not that great of an accomplishment!"

"But it still is an accomplishment! I prefer to celebrate even the smallest of victories, for they still are victories," he said, setting her back down on the ground. Together they fell back into the snow, their hands intertwined as they laid. After a few seconds, snow fell down onto Elsa's face. She sat, confused, for a few seconds before she realised what it was. A snowball. She heard Jack chuckle next to her.

"You really want to start this?" She challenged with a smirk.

"Only if your highness is up to it," Jack jested, flying up into the air and taking a bow.

"Alright, Frost, you're on!" She lifted herself from her spot in the snow and began hurling balls of snow towards Jack. He rebuked with a constant stream of snowballs raining down on her. As she played and laughed with Jack she realised new senses she hadn't felt in quite some time. Happiness. Freedom. Carefree. Love. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

As she watched Jack chuckle and fly around her, she knew she had made the right choice to stay. For she loved him wholeheartedly, and he loved her back. And for the time being, she couldn't be happier.

The snow finally stopped flying after about an hour when Elsa and Jack decided it was a tie after much arguing and giggling. Elsa dropped down into the snow and Jack hovered over her. He put an arm on either side of her and leaned down to give her a kiss. Elsa stared into his snowflake eyes with a grin, but couldn't help but see a different array of emotions hiding behind Jack's eyes. She saw a bit of sadness and a bit of... fear?

"Ay, Mate. We need to talk," a voice said from behind them. Jack lifted himself off of Elsa with embarrassment, and stood to face Bunny.

"Elsa, I'll be back in a few, kay?" Jack said, his voice taking on a slightly more serious tone than it was before.

"Okay..." Elsa hesitantly answered. Jack gave her a small, reassuring smile before heading off towards the North Pole with Bunny. Worry struck Elsa. What was going on? She could tell there was something Jack just wasn't telling her...

She waited a few more seconds before preceding to follow them, deciding she was going to find out what was going on. They made their way through the Pole, into a room where the other guardians were. Elsa hid outside the room, trying to tune in to their conversation.

"Jack, there's only one more day left!" She heard Tooth exclaim.

"I know! Just give me a little more time! I'm trying to think of something!" Jack yelled. Both anger and sadness radiated from his voice.

"We don't have a little more time to give you, Jack. I know this is hard for you. But if Elsa doesn't sacrifice herself to Pitch, our efforts we've made to protect the children will be for nothing! She will come back a guardian, Jack. I'm sure," North said, trying to convince Jack.

"But that's not a guarantee! What if she doesn't?" Elsa heard him sigh. His voice got quieter, making Elsa have to lean in closer to hear. "I don't want to lose her..."

Thoughts were swimming through Elsa's mind. Pitch was still a threat, and it seemed to be up to her to do something about it. And it may cause death. She closed her eyes.

She didn't want to leave Jack... but she knew that this was something that had to be done. Whether she came back as a true guardian or not, she had to give herself up, to save the others. To save Jack.

Flashes of memories of her and Pitch's last encounter popped into her head. From those memories, she knew where Pitch was, or at least had a good idea as to where he could be.

Elsa peered into the room to take one last look at Jack, with his blue sweatshirt and his frosty hair. A sad smile touched her lips.

"Goodbye, Jack." Then she turned and left.

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