Chapter Eleven

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Jack paced down the hallway, his thoughts racing through his head uncontrollably. He was running out of options. How could he face Elsa with the guilt of not telling her about Pitch? He was risking everything by not telling Elsa, but he was also saving her by keeping her from it. He groaned out loud. What was he supposed to do? There was one thing he was sure of - he wasn't going to let Elsa sacrifice herself. Which meant... he was going to sacrifice himself instead. He exhaled a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. If he was going to stop Pitch he had to leave soon. But... he had to see Elsa first. He had to say goodbye. He made his way down the hall, pausing outside of the room he had left Elsa in, then paused. He put on a fake smile, then lifted his hand to knock.

"Elsa?" he called. There was no answer. "Elsa?" Silence followed. Jack cocked his head and scratched the back of it in confusion. He grasped the doorknob in his hand and turned it, slowly pushing open the creaky door. Inside the room was found empty. Panic struck Jack. Where was she?

Jack flew through the North Pole in a panic. Where could she have gone?

"North, Tooth!" He yelled urgently as he came across them.

"Jack? What is it?" Tooth asked softly.

"It's Elsa. She's missing," Jack tumbled the words out of his mouth.

"Missing?" North questioned. "Where could she go?" Then it hit Jack like a stab in the heart. The hair rose on his arms and a wave of sadness and fear swept over him. He knew exactly where she had gone. Oh, he had been such a fool. He knew he couldn't keep this from her, that she would find out. His body began to feel tired, he felt fear and despair start to overwhelm him.

"Jack? You look pale," Tooth said.

"She went to find Pitch," Jack mumbled, the words pouring from his mouth slowly, as if each word was molasses, stuck to his tongue. "I have to go after her..."

"Jack, no! Please, this is how it was supposed to happen. She'll be fine, Jack. Stay here where it's safe, where you can't get in the way. Where you can't get harmed." Tooth pleaded.

"No. I can't let her sacrifice herself! What if she doesn't come back as a guardian. I'd rather die than lose her again. And that's what I'm going to do."

"Jack you can't do this! Don't sacrifice yourself for this..." North said.

"You can't stop me." Before they could form their next protest, Jack fled from the room, out into the frigid snow. He flew against the wind, the cold stinging his cheeks.

He hoped he wouldn't be too late.

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