~∆~Ch. 22~∆~

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   It was dark and scary.  That's all I can really remember. I remember seeing skeletons, 4, if I can remember right, and myself- falling. And now this. To say that I was terrified would be an understatement. I felt alone, defenseless, and weak- not exactly a comforting mix. I was in pitch black; not even able to see my own scarred hands. It reminded me of when Papa would blindfold me, tie me to a chair and whip me. It made my eyes water. I just wanted to be loved, didn't he understand that?

   I had already given up on trying to scream for help, for sound didn't travel in this hell-hole. I just sat there, trying to remember anything. I was sure I was going to be stuck here forever, but the floor fell and I began falling. I braces for impact but none came. I was just...  Falling. Possibly forever. It w still pitch black, but the sound of wind passing me told me that sound was possible now. Instead o screaming, I just silently falling. Until the voices started screaming.

    I had never heard these voices before, but they obviously knew me.

   "Just give up, wimp! "

   "No wonder you're father tried to kill you! I would too!"

   "Your  friends' lives are ruined, and its all. Your. Fault! "

   I held my ears and screamed, but the voices weren't outside. They were in my head.

  "You fag! You left your friends without a with out a care in the world! I bet they don't even friggen miss you!"

"Exactly! They're prolly somewhere playing scrabble, not even a single second thought!"

    I...  I couldn't remember it. I...  It scarred me- not knowing if what they said was true. I couldn't even remember who my friends were, let alone how to get back.

   I almost squealed as I heard NY father's voice, a distant memory returning.

   "Why do I have such a weak ass bitchy baby for a son, huh NOKO?  Why don't you answer me that? No?  Ok, I'll hustle have to beat it out of him."

  I could remember running outside and sitting on the sidewalk, cuddling up to my mother's oversized hoodie to try and attempt to stop crying from pain. I remembered a skeleton closing the door next to ours and huffing as he sat down next to me.

   "Ya aight dere kid? Ya look a lil' spooked. Eh, couldn't say I blame ya, honestly. I've sorta heard who I'm assuming is yer 'rentz fightin' alot. S'not fun, is it?"

   I remember how his voice was monotone, not fluctuating in the slightest until the end, where what seemed to be fake worry showed in his tone. I had honestly been surprised that anyone would talk to me. I had shook my head slightly, the headache that I already had getting worse.

  "W-why are you t-talking to m-me? I-I'm not special.." I had whispered and closed my eyes tightly to breathe better when he just looked away, seemingly thinking.

   "I gotta gut feelin' dat dat ain't true." It was blurry after that, but I remember something about hugs and eyelights. I wanted to find this skeleton. Whoever he was, I feel like he helped me. I didn't know what to do to get out of here, though.

   All of a sudden I just couldn't move. It was even more terrifying than before. Especially since the voices were now louder.

   "Come on, Wimp! At least try!"

   "I am, I am!"







   "Ugly bitch!"

  "Why even bother!?  You're going  to fail!"

   I broke.

  "I'M SORRY!"

   "I-I'm sorry.."

  I curled in in myself and finally realized that I could move the whole time, it was just fear keeping new from it. I firmly held my weak head in my small hands and finally cried for the first time since I had gotten here.


  It was hours later when I woke up- my throat was sore from crying and I could feel that I was dehydrated and possibly even sicker than before. I didn't know why I had woken up though, I was still exhausted. Then I heard it- portals opening somewhere near me,  two voices- one glitched the other not- yelling my name, and then closing the portal. I was ecstatic, but apparently the voices knew that, because the nest thing I knew my hands, feet, and neck were chained to something.

   I tried to struggle out, but nothing worked. I couldn't scream or yell, either, as my throat was so sore and hoarse. I heard another portal open and I felt my breath be taken away, like I was punched in the gut, which I was. The voices had spawned anons who were now continuously beating me. You'd think that with what my dad did, I'd be used to it, but no. This was different. It was as if they're fists were fire and ice, one burning, the other so cold that it burned in itself.

   I could here the glitchy voice a little ways away. It was loud, and through the glitchy portal he was standing in was small, when he called into it the noise echoed.

   "Fresh! I found him!"

   "I'm saved!" I thought happily, even with the burning fists pounding my body. I heard a crack and looked up through watery and blurred eyes to see a dark, glitched skeleton holding the anons with strings. He looked to be just a little older than me, but had more scars that looked self-made. I felt another skeleton pick me up, who I assumed was Fresh, but was startled when I saw it was an anon. I tried to scream, but it was too late, the anon had teleported away. I fell into a fearful and restless sleep out of sheer exhaustion and pain.


I did it! Yes!

I tried to change it up a bit, so I'm sorry if ya didn't like it.

Any ideas?  Comment em! I take all ideas, even ones for new books!

I hope you enjoyed!

-Oopa Out!

(I hope that wasn't too peppy, I let my friend write it. Currently I'm on a bus, and I'm tired and sore as heck. Bye!)


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