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Warning: I just got a new phone, so beware the autocorrect.

Another warning: Possibly triggering scenes. Read ahead carefully.


As the third week of staying at Nightmare's castle, I had begun to become close to the skeletons. Fell, Under, and Cross were the ones to usually hang with me, but there was also Void and Naiko. Under had, so far, been able to keep Over away from me, fortunately. I was now in the kitchen eating hot dogs with Fell.

I watched as he dumped mustard on it, then licked almost all of it off of the hot dog. I cringed and took a bite of my hot dog that was drenched in ranch dressing.

"You weirdos and your condiments!" said Under as he walked in and got a glass of sweet tea.

"- ou an' her schweet tea!" I said through a full mouth,causing him to burst out laughing.

"Y'know, kid, I'm p surprised that yer friends ain't found ya yet." Fell said after he finished his hot dog.

"Same here. Ya'd think they'd be more into finding you." Under agreed, sipping his cold sweet tea. I looked down, because deep down, I knew it- Fresh and Error were still looking for me. I knew now due to Nightmare that it was them that had almost saved me before I got dragged here. I wondered where Ink and Geno were too, and hoped they were safe. As the memories flooded through, voices did too. The voices.

"Er- Decans? Are... are you ok?" I heard Fell say, but it sounded far away next to the retched voices I was hearing. The ones that hurt me, beat me, and the ones that held me prisoner in that dark and scary place I've come to know as "The Void".

I felt hands on my arms and immediately began to shake. My vision was extremely blurry, and I could hear them calling my name, but I couldn't get out. The anons were screaming, holding me down in metaphorical chains.

I let out a blood-curdling scream and grabbed my head, scratching deep crevices into my skull, but I didn't feel it. The voices kept getting louder and louder, blocking every other noise to the point that I couldn't even hear my excruciating scream. I couldn't feel, couldn't think, couldn't hear anything but those stupid voices, screaming at me.


As the voices went on and on, I realized something. They were right. I am all of those things. A wimp and a baby for not being able to even live normally without going to the hospital constantly. Worthless and a stupid idiot as my papa had called me for years on end.

A.. a mistake. Papa had always called me that. I hadn't realized until later when I overheard my momma and papa talking about it, but it was true. I was a mistake. Unloved, yep. I'm a pity party. Unwanted, yeah. I saw the adoption service papers in my momma's hands. She was going to send me there. Ugly, well, I've known that for a long time.

Eventually, after what felt like ages, the voices quieted. Still there, but now whispering. It was then that I realized I was still screaming, that I realized I was still scratching my arms and head. I finally heard Under's voice and realized he was talking to Nightmare. As I heard Fell's voice, the place where I was now laying shook, and I realized that Fell was hugging me and I was in his lap.

"I dunno, boss. I think it's a flashback. I've had em before, but I usually don't scream nothin' like that." said Fell, and it was then that I saw the truth: I was safe. As I gained control of my body once more, I was able to stop screaming. I guess, however, that the random quiet startled Fell, because his breathing hitched and fell deep and colder.

I stopped scratching my arms and head and the stinging sensation almost immediately kicked in. I opened my eyes slowly but was met by tears escaping them. I was safe.

"Night, he's waking up!" Under said, and I looked at him through tear-blurred vision.

"I-I'm okay n-now." I said quietly, as my throat was scratchy and my voice was hoarse. Fell lifted me up a little where he could see my face and I realized that he had been crying. Guilt wracked through me immediately.

"Dec, why were you screaming those things?" He asked quietly, but I didn't answer. While I was confused on what he meant by 'things', I was more confused about his eyes. He had two white pinpricks now instead of his usual one red orb.

He noticed my confusion and spoke up. "Those words. Worthless, ugly, stupid, idiot, mistake, unwanted, unloved. There were a few more, but that's the main ones."

I looked away and closed my eyes, and he sighed, him and Under saying 'I knew it' at the same time. I heard Nightmare say something to me and opened my eyes again, the light hurting my eyes as he was standing directly in front of the light.

"Come Decans, let's get you cleaned up. Under, you and Fell come as well- I know you are both well with these types of injuries." I looked down at my arms and saw that I had shaved my arms near clean, and they were both oozing yellow-green magic. I knew my skull was, too. I was close to panicking, as I knew this type of injury is what my doctors would have called 'instantaneous death', but Nightmare picked me up like a baby, since I was tiny, and began humming a soft toon, lulling me to sleep.


Did totes wasn't ma original plan, but DANG am I proud of it!

Tanks to everyone for getting dis book the ratings dat it has! It wouldn't be possible witout y'all!

Keep on keepin' on an' I'll see ya on da flip side!

-Oopa Out!

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