Getting a job

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All A/N will be at the end for your enjoyment


Finally a new job in a new town with a whole new start to life, without my nagging parents and siblings. Maybe here I'll find love. Nah how would that happen this is Los Santos, sire its busy and big but that's the nicer part, not here this is what my parents call "Gang territory" where all the gangs and drug wars go down. Why are my parents so worried? The rent is real cheap apparently someone died in my room. Cool! And today is my first day on the job! At a cafe named "little cappuccino" stupid name but it pays good since my life is on the line 😀.

I head over to work always walking in the open areas with trees and other things around to block gun shots. Every morning on the radio they always play the "Rules" here's what they say

"Living in Los Santos Gang arena is a terrible Idea. Sure it's some what Ideal but is your life really worth it? If you live here we have rules for you, even if your just walking or driving through we advise you listen:
1. Stay in the streets with mailboxes and trees and houses and garages and other  objects to hide behind or in.
2. Don't take alley ways at a risk of running into a gang member or rape
3. Don't live here for a long time most people die before 5 years
4. Police stations are a no go when in trouble, they ignore calls from here since Los Santos has declared this place a health hazard there for, your here at your own risk
5. Don't pretend to be in a gang when not or don't do anything stupid

Stay safe- stay alive"

It usually repeats 3 times every  day, sometimes more.

Anyways I enter the cafe, it looks the one from friends with the couch in the middle and other small booths and seats, it's really pleasing to see a real cafe like this.  It's me and someone else here "Jello my name is Hank" he says happily it's obviously fake though "hi I'm (Y/N)" he looks worried then smiles "welcome to your new job have you worked in the field like this?" He asks twiddling his thumbs "yas I have" I say confident, I used to work at Walmart and other coffee shops like Starbucks and Coffee time, maybe I just like coffee. @
" good we open in 10 get ready and do what you do best" he smiles and walks behind the counter. I'm ready for a new life.

The bell on the top of the door rings
Two people walk in and go to counter saying hi to Hanks and saying "the usual hank" and they sit in a booth and talk. I fiddle with my apron, it's not as comfortable like the Starbucks ones. It's itchy. Whatever. I greet and serve people making coffee and teas and baking cookies for the front.
More people enter one by one
Only pairs and individuals no groups like the friends show. Weird and what's ever weirder is they all say the usual and Hank gives them what they like, they must be all regulars which is pretty odd. Maybe the usual is a drink name? I could care less right now I'm getting paid today I get paid everyday 35$ a day, this place must make a lot.

I sit down at a table on my break and sip my coffee and see something on the news.

"Today we are at the diamonds and cash bank which was just robbed and bombed by a new gang who call themselves the Banana Bus Squad. People claim there are a bunch of them and they are ruthless and have no mercy, they where nothing and unknown until today, will this gang be so famous to rival the following popular high rise gangs, Gucci Gang, POP pimp Squad and Golden Dragon. We will have more on this tonight at 9"

I spat out my drink " a new gang? Ruthless? Merciless? Oh no" I try not to worry to much since I do live around a bunch of gangs, it won't be easy but I'm willing to risk it.

A bunch of people leave and are on their way, but as soon as Hank is about to go close our store we hear another

We turn our heads to see a group or a bunch of friends, like the show maybe! Finally something will complete my life now, "I've never seen these people here before" mumbles Hank "hi what would you like" Hank smiles as one walks up to the counter, the rest sit on the couch. One orders and Hank gets to work

A few moments later and I bring them all their drinks, they all laugh together at something they said and they chat about their friendship, at least that's what I thought until I heard something rather strange

"Yup and tonight bloods gonna spill"
Said one with an Owl hoodie
"let's fook them up"
One said, he was wearing a green shirt
"And after we can spend that cash eh?"
One said, he was rather stunning, he also had shades one, one shade was blue and the other was red.
"How much should we tip her"
One said there was a big M on his jacket
" I dunno $50?"
One said with a name tag that said John on it
"Alright" said another with a blue hoodie and a hockey mask in one hand.
"Here" the green shirted one handed me a $50 bill
"Spend wisely" he said after sipping his tea.

They laughed as I walked away dazed and confused Hank snapped me out of my deep thoughts "can you lock up the kitchen?" "Sure" I said as I went to lock the kitchen doors

" I wrote Down what they ordered so I know if they come back" Hank smiled as he wiped down tables. So that's how he knows.

The groups leaves and the one with the glasses waves bye to me and Hank but he only looks at me. I wave back confused and Hank waves too.

Me and Hank leave locking up the back and front doors

" oh by the way I won't be in tomorrow"
"So I'll be by myself?"
I question Hank
"Oh the other workers"
"There are others"
"They were at a meeting to try and expand our shop today, you'll meet them soon" Hank smiles as he ducks and walks the opposite way I need to go.

I pop in my ear buds and once again here the list of rules, I turn it off and listen to music as I walk home.

I check my pocket and find $85 bucks. I smile and head to bed since it's pretty late

ahhh I hope you like it I'm really exited to see how this goes down. While proof reading with some of my friends they said it sounds like another Smii7y book on Wattpad and omfg I didn't know IF U THINK IM STEALING IM NOT I had no clue until today I'm sorry if I ever find that book I WILL GIVE CREDIT!!!

See you soon


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