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A/N my story has mainly become drama drama and more drama, so here's some actual Smitty x Reader.


Your POV

I walk into my little room to see Smitty sitting on the bed playing on my nintendo switch, which I let him use because he's mine.

"hey Lucas, what ya doing?" I hug him "playing Splatoon" (i love this game leave me alone)

I smile "what game mode" "fucking clam blitz" I laugh, everyone hates clam blitz.

"you can win" "we are so far, everything happens at the last minuet" I kiss his cheek. "you got this." I sit beside and watch the TV as he plays, he win. rank A not bad.

he plays another game, loses

another, wins




rank A +





goes back to rank A

i check the time

it's been an hour. of me just sitting here.

time to work magic

"Lucas~" "yes?" "after this round I think you should stop." "I'm on a roll baby" "of losing" he frowns "you need to take a break, don't rage, this is my switch do not break it" I say leaning into him and nuzzling myself into his chest, he purrs like a cat

I giggle


"Lucas, we can cuddle"

he sighs

and loses


he turns the switch off and plays one of his playlists on spotify.

"I like this song"

"me too baby"

he grabs me and lies down me on top of him snuggling into him I blush

"you like this?"

"your warm" i hug him tighter

he kisses my forehead

"your so precious"

he plays with my hair

"when you smile" I mumble to myself

he laughs

"hit it form the back and drive you wild~"

I giggle

"Lucas!" I Blush, so does he.

it's nice just cuddling with him "i love you" "I love you too (Y/N)" "wanna have some fun tonight?" "what type of fun?" i smirk "I dunno Netflix watching?" "and chill?" "Lucas!" i fake slap him laughing. "sorry" he says "maybe.." I say he smiles and moves me beside him, so we face each other. I smile at him

"girl I lose myself up in those eyes" "what?" I laugh

"your mine" he says hugging me tightly. "Lucas" I smile and I put my face into his neck and fall asleep.

"love you"

he kisses me again.


"wake up baby"

kisses bombard me, over and over until I squirm and laugh "Lucas stop!!"

I open my eyes to see Lucas and Evan standing above me, I turn red.

"so she calls you Lucas now." "only in private dude so don't start." Lucas says Evan snickers "Evan?" I say slowly opening my eyes. I sit up. "which one of you was kissing me?" I said obviously know it was Lucas. they both laugh. "me" Lucas says "I know come here" I grab him and kiss his cheek and let go quickly. Evan smiled at us and winked at me giving me a thumbs up. I give him a thumbs up "what's this?" Lucas says "oh here Evan" I turn around and pull his sweater out of my dresser. "thanks (Y/N)" he says taking it from me. Lucas looks confused. I just smile. "i let her borrow it
yesterday" "why?" "she was cold... Lucas..." "stop it" "Fine Evan respect." I laugh

"So why you here now?" I ask Evan smiles
"To get you!"
"What!?" Me and Lucas both say confused
"Remember what we did yesterday I thought we can do it again but I have a surprise"  I stood up and fixed my hair "sure I guess" " babe you said" "I said tonight" "she'll be back before 7" Evan says walking with me out the warehouse
"What's the surprise?" "I wanted your comfort when I look for Dell" "it's an honour" I say as we walk the streets.


time skip


no luck

"it's alright, I have a few spots in mind we can check tomorrow."

"alright, night Evan."  I walk to my room to see Lucas on my switch playing Mario Kart. "Lucas~" his ears perk up like a happy puppy it makes me smile. 

"yes babe?"

"c'mon." I grab his arm and pull him all the way downstairs and out of the warehouse.

"where are we going?" "to a hotel" "why?" "because I don't want to be quiet, I don't want to be afraid of waking them up." I say walking with him, hand in hand. "I'll make sure your not quiet." I giggle as we arrive in front of the hotel.

we enter our room making out

"I fucking love you" "I love you too Lucas" we continue making out and taking off articles of clothing one by one. teasing each other. making us drive faster. 

(sexy times happen) 

(i'm too tired and bored to write smut sorrrry)

----time skip----

we are lying down side by side cuddling naked and sweaty (CRINGE) i lay kisses on his bare chest

"your amazing your brilliant I love you"

"I'm glad you found me"

"I'm glad we went drinking" I giggle at his sentence

"love you"

"i love you so fucking much (Y/N)"

"i just hope the others don't worry about us."


short sorry, bored plus i'm writing this in the car on the way to the mall so I did my best SHAME ON ME I KNOW!

total word count: 881

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