Kitty and Ohm

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I wake up only to be almost late for my job, I rush and once again here the rules. Stupid rules. I get there out of breath


"I'm (Y/N)"

I wave to a girl with the same apron on as me

"I'm Kitty, that's Ohm" she says hugging me

"Yo" the taller man says

" your the new recruit" she smiles "Hank mentioned someone" she added opening the shop. Ohm stands behind the counter ready to make drinks as Kitty gets ready to take orders while I clean the floors waiting for people to enter

30 mins later

Nobody. Weird.

"Is it usually like this on Tuesday?" I ask
"Yea" ohm replies
"Ohm don't be shy social interaction like I said" Kitty said lightly slapping his arm
"Not now" he sighs


"Welcome" I smile and wave they smile back and order the usual. "What's your name?" Kitty asks  "Sarah" she says "alright Ohm you know what to do" she dances over to the radio and turns the tunes on. I love this song. I dance my way to the counts and pick up jet drink and give it to the woman on the couch "thank you" she shivers. I shrug it off.



People flood in ordering drinks and dancing to tunes, for a bad neighbourhood everyone tries to seem happy and it almost always seems real. "Last one for another hour or so break time" Kitty says as she sits down at a booth with me and Ohm.

"Why did you take this job!" Kitty asks
"For high pay right?" The man speaks
"Ohm rude let her answer" Kitty says hitting him again as he just chuckles
"Yea he's right" I say sipping my coffee
"See Kitty I'm always right" he smirks as he ruffles her hair "OHM!" She says trying to fix it.

"Are you two dating?" I ask being so unsure of myself
"Oh Deary no!" She laughs and so does Ohm. "You seem to know each other a ton" I say smiling off the embarrassment "he's been here for 4 months and me, 1 year, oh and Hank was here when this place first opened, 4 years ago."

"Jesus christ" I laugh
"The rules though.." I add frowning
"Fuck those stupid ass rules" Ohm says and he smiles at me "Yea. My neighbour has lives here for 7 years dude, the rules just want everyone to move away so they can close the streets" Kitty says eating a cookie I made yesterday

People start to leave


I hear someone cry out as they run out the door, we all look to the door and I see the same group of people from last night, yay they're back to share bonding moments. I smile.

"Back to work" Ohm sighs. 

We head back to our stations as I clean those left tables and booths, they are about to sit on the couch when someone else sat there first by themselves

"Get lost" the blue hoodie man says
"Oh I'm so so so so sorry" the girl says as she runs out of the store
"Dumb bitch" the green shirted one says
They all laugh as I bring them the drinks one of them ordered
"Hey it's you!" The one with the M in his jacket says as they all look at me, I blush at all the attention.
"What's it's say- (Y/N)?" One of the asks
"Ye-yas" I stutter
"Nice name" the cute one says, you know the one with the shades. I smile at this.
"I'm Nogla" says the green shirted one
"mini" the one with the M says
"Evan" the one with the Owl hoodie says
"Dell" the blue hoodie one says
"Smitty" the cute one says
They all laugh
"Wasn't there more of you last night?"
I ask curios
"Right.. they are in the hospital" Evan says sipping his tea
"Oh no why?" I ask concerned
"Bullets" Smitty says drinking his coffee
"That's a shame, I'm so sorry" I say as I bring them napkins and sugar
"Here" Nogla hands me $25 and smiles
"Thank you so much" I smile as I walk to the counter
"No problem (Y/N)" Mini says
Everyone's gone but them, it's only 5.
Way to early
It's usually busy now too, everyone looks through through the windows then leaves after seeing them, why?

They leave soon
"This is our new hangout" I hear one of them say I smile,

"We need to close up" Kitty says as she locks the kitchen door "pay up" Ohm says as he opens the register and gives each of us $35 he's such an honest man. I smile and walk home Ohm heads the same way

" your really pretty ya know" he spoke
"Th-thanks" I blush
"Stay sage out here" he spoke with meaning
"Why? I'm too fragile? I'm a girl?"
"Your pretty"
"Watch our for gang members they like pretty women." He chuckles
"Alright then father" I laugh
He grabs my hand I let it stay there until I have to let go to enter my house
Ohm waves bye and I say bye.

I unlock my door and hear screaming, I turn to see Ohm on the ground bleeding from his face while two men dressed in black held him down while another men in all black tried to stab his face, I noticed a M on one of the jackets, Mini? No way. Ohm cries for help


They scream and Ohm kicks them and breaks free, he runs to my front door stairs I help him in, and lock the door and put my shoe rack in front of the door closing all blinds and locking windows and doors.

I can hear yelling outside

They keep yelling until the yelling stops and the street is quiet again.

I run over to Ohm who is oh my couch bleeding from his arm, nose and mouth

"Phucking hell, (Y/N) fank you so mush"
He closes his eyes as he tried to stop the pain and bleeding I tend to him with my medical kit.  "You'll be okay" I stutter and cry while helping him.


Brick here, twist and turns omfg!!!! I love this book so far I like how it's turning  out 🤗🤗🤗 so yas Ohm works with you, and Kitty
is someone I made up so don't ask, so is Hank. See you next chapter 😃

-1122 words
Last chapter had
-1057 words

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