4 years ago

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I sat down on a couch beside Dell trying to comfort him, we never told anybody! I don't know how he figured out it's stupid luck but why won't Dell believe me!

"Evan stop"
"Dell listen to me I'm sorry I love you! You know that!"
"Evan please"
"No Dell listen please I love you don't do this"

He looked at me sadly

"Evan I'll be back soon"
"Where the fuck are you gonna go?"
I felt tears


"Anywhere but here" he takes off his mask and rubs his eyes, his sleeve is now wet with tears
"Love you too"
He says before putting his mask back on and leaving the warehouse

I old back tears as I hold my head in my hands

"Well it looks like somebody fucked up again"

Why now Luke.

"Leave me alone, this is your fault"
I look at him he's smiling
"Are you sure?"
"Bastard!" I yell as I punch the chair breaking it

"He loves you right?"

I look up confused
"Then he'll comeback for you"
I sigh

"I know he will"
I smile slightly at the thought of Dell being beside me.

"Now why are you here?"
"You somehow still know me so well"
"What is it Luke?"
"Why did you leave me"
"Why. Did. You. Leave. Me"
"I can't right now Luke"
"Cunt just tell me!"

I felt tears burn in my eyes. I held hem back
I look to see Luke waiting for a response

"I fucked up"
"I know but why?"

I got up from the couch

"Where are you going?"
I walk out of the room

I leave the warehouse

Your POV

I sit on smitty's lap watching him play Mario kart 8 with Brian
"I'm winning Smitty"
"Fuck off"
"I got a banana behind me you can't kill me"
I laugh watching smitty get 3 red shells and then another 1 red shell in the other slot

"Can I do it?" He whispered to me
"Fucking do it!" I say

"NO YOU CUNT" Brian says as he loses his first place spot to smitty and ends up in 6th

"I hate you"
"Love you too"
"I'm gonna leave before I fucking die from this shit"

"Good!" Smitty says

I kiss smitty on the cheek
"Your a boss"
I say
"Of course I am!" He said flexing his muscles I laugh even more

I hear Luke yell from down stairs I frown
"I feel bad for him"
"Yea me too"
"But like he called us out" smitty added
"2 years smitty"
"That's true"
I frown
"If you come first for the next 5 rounds I'll do something amazing for you" I smirk

"Game on"
I get yo from his lap "I'll be back, no lying"
He smirks as I head downstairs

"Luke are you alright?"
"No (Y/N) I'm not"
"Why not"
"Evan refuses to tell me why he left me for two years"

"Can you tell me how this happened it seems interesting"

"At least someone wants to know"

I sit beside him on the couch

"I met Evan when he was with Tyler. I was the third member"
"Wait third?"
"So you got left behind 4 years ago?"
"Wait 4?"
"Yes Tyler and Evan met 4 years ago."
"I knew it was longer than it seemed"
I frown hugging him

"Anyways, they weren't really a gang yet, so they mugged people at the park nearby. I was there one night Walking my dog. They tried to mug me. But like. I asked to join them because I was lost in life and they seemed like they needed help. To join they made me mug a mother with children. I did and I joined. Then one day POP SQUAD attacks us kidnaped all of us. All 3 of us. They would let 2 of us go and one with stay with them. Me. Evan decided it was me in a heart beat. Then he said he'd come for me soon. Soon equals 4 Fucking years" he seems mad and upset I hug him more

"Your here"
"Took him long enough"
"At least Your here"

it's short sorry I'm tired af and I was busy all day sorrrry

Word count: 718

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