↣ Chapter Two ↣

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N E W 

L E A D E R 

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L E A D E R 

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Chris regretted boasting about the strength of warlock tracking, for as soon as he entered the New York Institute - which was just a really big cathedral that looked to mundanes to be ruins and still gave Chris chills - Alec had handed him Jace's grey shirt and asked him to track the missing Shadowhunter. The Clave were, of course, looking for Jace too, but they hadn't made any progress and Alec was growing wary.

Alec could sense that Jace was in danger, whether that be the parabatai bond or the fact that jace was almost always in danger when left alone, Chris just knew that he had to do whatever he could to find the annoying blonde. Chris could not stand the look of worry that had etched it's way onto the crevices of Alec's beautiful face.

But try as he might, the warlock could not find a trace of Jace and he assumed that Valentine was probably holding him over water somewhere, just like he had had Carrie hidden in a tunnel underneath the water.

"Any word from the Clave?" Isabelle asked Lydia as they made their way through the Institute. Alec had left Chris alone in a room, and Isabelle had found him looking slightly lost. On their way back to the main area of the Institute, they had bumped into the envoy from the Clave. The same Lydia Branwell who had been getting married to Alec three days beforehand.

"Not yet and we've been trying for the past four hours." Chris still had the grey shirt that belonged to Jace clutched in his hands. He wasn't going to be able to find the Shadowhunter, but he couldn't stop thinking about the way that Alec looked so hopeful that he could do it. "Something's up."

"The Clave being unhelpful?" hummed Chris. Alec had joined them too now, and when Chris looked at him his heart jumped up in his throat. That shirt looked so good on him. "Who's shocked? Show of hands?" Alec just frowned as they all took their places around the table.

"I'm worried," said Alec. "I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond." Chris had always wondered what it would feel like to have a parabatai, it sounded very intrusive. Chris liked to keep to himself sometimes, always having someone know how you felt seemed like a lot of bother.

"We'll find him Alec."

"When we arrested Hodge-" Chris stopped listening as he moved away to continue to track the grey shirt Alec had given him. But it was to no avail, even as his green magic ran over the shirt, he could see nothing. It was like there had been a wall built. He heard Izzy say something about a ship and he frowned. His suspicions had been correct.



"Well, there's got to be something!" Alec snapped at him. He wasn't angry at him - Chris had to remind himself - he was just worried about his parabatai, his brother. But Chris still felt himself get a little annoyed. He knew he shouldn't have snapped back. But he couldn't stop himself, he had a pretty short temper.

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