↣ Chapter Twenty Seven ↣

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S E V E N 

M E S S A G E S 

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M E S S A G E S 

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Chris was in bed. Chris had been in bed since the moment he had portalled back from the Institute. Chris had been in bed, doing nothing but lying there. He did not talk to anyone, he did not watch anything, he did not eat, he did not sleep. Sometimes he would cry, but only every few hours. Chris was an unmoving, emotional wreck, who did not respond to anything. Madzie had crawled into bed beside him, but he had lain there, with his back to her and his eyes glued to the clock on the wall.

Alec had put that clock up.

Catarina had come into his room too, before going to work, she had tried to get him to talk, and to drink some water and to just move for a better. But he lay there, his chapped lips pressed together. If it wasn't for his slow breathing, one would think him dead. Caroline had tried too, she had wanted him to change out of his clothes so he would be comfortable, and to maybe shower because he was sweating a lot. But Chris didn't even blink at her. He just hugged the pillow closer to his chest and ignored everything she said. Zach had been the one who sat beside him, flipping through TV and telling him about the new members of the pack. He hadn't forced Chris to talk, or move, or do anything. He hardly looked at Chris. He just acted like the warlock was okay.

Chris loved Zach for doing that.

When Chris thought that he was finally being left alone to mope in peace, Magnus had entered his room. Chris had internally groaned. He was done with people for the day, he was done having to listen to them feel sorry for him and telling him that everything would be okay soon. Nothing was going to be okay, because he had broken up with Alec.

Chris was not the type of guy to lie in his bed, depressed, because of heartbreak. But there was something so different about Alec, that breaking up with the beautiful, amazing, hilarious Shadowhunter did not make him want to go out and get blinding drunk for three days straight. Instead he wanted to sleep until the world he knew had changed and he could wake up and no one would look at him and think 'aw, he just broke up with his boyfriend.'

However, Magnus was not there to tell him how sorry he felt or how he needed to eat or drink or do something. Instead Magnus told him about his meeting with Seelie Queen and how he had accepted her offer to help her and have her protection, meaning that if Valentine did raise Raziel all the warlocks in Brooklyn could stay in the Seelie Courts. Chris actually looked up at Magnus then, but the pacing warlock didn't even seem to notice.

He then proceeded to tell him all about the Downworld meeting that had been called and how the Seelie Queen had gone with Luke, Raphael and Magnus. Instead of them being leaders for the different Downworld communities, the Seelie Queen was the ruler of all the Downworld.

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