↣ Chapter Six ↣

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P O S S E S S E D 

S H A D O W H U N T E R S 

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S H A D O W H U N T E R S 

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Chris did not like Aldertree. As soon as the door to his office shut behind him once he left the  dismal office, his mouth was set into a frown. He was being punished all because he wouldn't let Alec die. He didn't care that much, he would let himself be hanged, drawn and quartered just for the chance to have seen Alec smile and blush at him again. As he glared at the closed door, he heard a breath of laughter come from behind him and he spun around, seeing Alec leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and a ghost of a smile on his lips. He looked much more healthy.

"How you feeling?" Chris asked, moving over to Alec, he pushed himself off the wall.


"That's good." Without even having to think about it, Chris pressed a soft kiss to Alec's lips. The Shadowhunter smiled back, his eyes glinting as Chris pulled away so that they could walk through the Institute. Chris felt like going home and sleeping. He hadn't slept in what felt like centuries.

"So, how'd it go with Aldertree?" Alec asked him as they walked though the Institute. Chris had shoved his hands into his pockets, he was starting to feel a little chilly and he wished he had grabbed a jumper to put on over his baseball shirt.

"Well, the man didn't disappoint." Alec looked at him. Chris just wanted to kiss and kiss and kiss him. "In his own charming, inimitable way he informed me that I will indeed be punished, but the form of punishment is yet to be decided." They had stopped again, and Alec had turned to him and Chris could only grin.

"All for trying to save my life." Chris scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Jace may have been the one who pulled me out, but I did feel you there, and I heard you." Chris could feel the blush that reddened his cheeks. He hadn't actually thought that Alec had heard him, he sort of wish that he hadn't.

"It made a difference, so uh thank you."

"Well, uh, thanks for not dying on me, I guess." They both laughed, shaking their heads. Alec had his hands crossed behind his back, Chris still had his hands stuck in his pockets. He felt a yawn tearing at him but he gulped it back. "How is Jace?"

"He won't be gone long," Alec sounded so adamant. Chris hoped his feelings wouldn't get hurt. "Once his hand touches the Soul Sword, the truth will come out and prove that he's never been on Valentine's side."

Alec seemed to be arguing with himself as he stepped forward, his body towering over Chris'. His breath fanned over Chris' face and the warlock felt himself grow dizzy. God, he couldn't let Alec do that too often or else he would die.

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