↣ Chapter Twenty Four ↣

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H E A R T 

H E A R T 

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A C H E 

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Chris sighed, leaning against the bench that he sat on outside. A whole two hours had gone by and still there was no sign on Alec anywhere. He looked around, hoping that maybe there was another steak restaurant around, but alas, he was sitting at the only one. Chris understood that Alec was busy being Head of the Institute, but he still felt a trifle disappointed that the Shadowhunter had failed to turn up, or at least to call and cancel.

But Chris was not going to let his night go to waste, so he pulled his jacket closer around him and made his way to an alley that was dark and deserted. There was no one about, unlike the busy streets of New York, and so he felt safe enough to create a portal to just outside of the Institute, that he could walk through.

The warlock looked up the towering Institute, his mouth twisted into a frown. He wasn't angry at Alec, disappointed and annoyed yes, but not angry. Alec was beyond stressed with Valentine getting away and Chris had to remember that his duties as Head of the New York Institute would always come first. Just like it would if he was Head of any other Institute, like the Cluj Institute or the Bucharest Institute.

"Mr Loss, we weren't expecting you," said the Shadowhunters guarding the doors.

"Yeah, neither was I," grumbled back Chris. There was a slight chill to the air and he hadn't appreciated it. He recognised one of the guards at the door as being Janelle - Alec had told him that Janelle had recently come out as asexual to some of the other Shadowhunters all because of him. Chris had felt very proud of his boyfriend.

"Shall we tell Mr Lightwood that-?"

"Don't. He's probably busy and I'd rather surprise him myself." Chris rubbed the dirt off his shoes on the entrance mat before making his way through the winding corridors of the Institute. He wasn't in the mood to run into any of his friends, actually, he just wanted to see Alec. Whenever he went more than a couple of hours without seeing his boyfriend, a terrible sadness began to blossom in his chest. Chris had never thought that would ever happen to him.

He found Alec in his office, beant over his desk, hurriedly writing. Probably reports, Chris thought to himself. He liked to watch Alec work, with his eyebrows furrowed so that a little line was created just above his nose, and his lips pressed together so tightly they were no longer visible. It was oddly tranquil to hear the scratch of pen on paper.

Chris knocked, lightly, on the doorframe, causing Alec to look up from his work. Alec looked slightly confused to see him.

"Lost track of time?" Chris asked, walking into the office. Alec sighed, his eyes fluttering shut. He was probably cursing himself out for missing the dinner date that he had planned.

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