In the jungle

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Capítulo 5: In the jungle

Morgan Burns, that was the name of the man who until recently was screaming on the phone and who invited the young people to his office.

"I'm sorry, kids, but I can't give you Elvira's address."

"But Lydia already told you she's willing to finance one of your films."

"I'm sorry, uh... Percy, but it's impossible for me to accept money that hasn't been approved by the syndicate and the Hollywood Banking Association. Besides, at the moment the money for the company's films is well insured, it's other things that have me worried."

"Can I ask what those things are?" Lydia said.

"As an executive producer, I'm not only looking for money for future films, but also for other things like various artists who will be collaborating on the film. And now it turns out that just days after the shooting was over, the musicians who had signed a contract were arrested by the police."

"Arrested?" Percy said.

"Yes, a problem that is usually easily solved, but in this case things are more complicated due to... certain aspects that are better left unnoticed. Anyway, I'm short of musicians and all good artists already have contracts with other companies or can't collaborate with the film."

"Mr. Burns, if we got you the musicians, would you give us Elvira's address?"

"Of course, although I don't see how you can do it."

"We'll take care of that, we just want you to give us the address."

"Deal, any questions?"

Lydia asked the right questions about what kind of music the man was looking for for the film, and Percy also had a question to ask.

"When you mean the syndicate, do you mean to the studios or the Mafia?"

"I'm sorry, let's go," interrupted Lydia and then pulling the cat boy by the hand, they left the studios looking for some musician.



"There must be good musicians somewhere," said Lydia when they returned to the beach. It was already eleven o'clock in the morning and the "local fauna" was making its daily appearance.

Bodybuilders, lifting weights or comparing muscles here and there, not only men, but also women; the everlasting runners including women who wore their bulky and droopy leggings; break-dance dancers performing brilliant choreographies; various street artists and most emblematic: lifeguards, with their bright red costumes as well as their floats.

"Let's go ask one of the lifeguards," said Lydia, "they know a lot about what's happening on the beach."

"Do you think they know about good musicians? If that Burns guy couldn't find any good musicians, I don't know how we could find one."

"There are good musicians out there, how bad it is that the poor don't have sponsors to sponsor them before record companies or in this case film companies."

"When you refer to sponsors, do you mean people with money or the mafia?"

"In this place, I think the second thing, Percy."

"How about we ask that lifeguard, he's got long, golden blond hair, he's probably the boss of this place."

"What does hair have to do with being the boss?"

Lydia Deetz and the orb of storms (completed 13/13)Where stories live. Discover now