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The Next Day|

7:54 pm|

I sat on Safaree's couch bored out of my mind. He was showering leaving me in the living room to watch tv. He lives in an apartment so it's smaller than my little house.

I really miss Caiah, even Ma. Even if my mother and I aren't on the best terms, I still want Caiah and I's relationship to stay strong. Last week, Mom talked about having double shifts this week so she couldn't come to his practices.

I'll just use that opportunity to come and see him.

Safaree interrupts my thoughts when he came into the living room half dressed. Well not even that, he just had a towel on.

"Nigga go put some damn clothes on, disturbing the peace and shit" I laugh. Although his abs are looking nice. He has been telling me that he is working out more. I said I was going to join him but I never got around to it. Or at least that's what I told him.

"Nah I just needed to get my shirt, I left it down here." "You couldn't put on some pants on first?"

"Keep talking shit in my house Nic" He laughed. "Fuck you gon do nig?" We always banter so this is nothing new to us.

He started tickling me which he knows I hate. "Stoooop" I tried to say in between my laughs.

From the corner of my eye I saw his towel fall from his waist. He quickly stopped to cover the towel back. He had a nice length.

I kind of just stayed in place, lost in thought for a moment. "You like what you see huh" I looked up to see the grin on his face.

"Nigga what? Get ya dick out my face" I laugh. He was standing pretty close to me. He laughed to and walked out.

I still felt awkward after he walked away. I never felt anything sexual towards Safaree before. I don't know if he has towards me and I just couldn't tell or what.

I don't even wanna think about it. I went to the kitchen to see if he had anything to eat. I found some TV dinners in the fridge and heated up two.

When he came to the kitchen, He was fully dressed. "You in my kitchen thinking you running things n shit. I see how it is." I laugh and hand him his food, "Nigga, you need to get ya ass to a grocery store and stalk up your fridge because I'm not eating these everyday."

He started laughing, "I'm serious, what you laughing for?" "I'm laughing because I'M perfectly fine with them and that's the only things I eat. If you want something else, you gon have to get it yourself your highness."

"Then I will! Imma show you how to really eat. You gonna not want to eat them TV dinners after you eat my good food." "If you say so."

Safaree and I ate in the living room in silence while watching tv.

After a while, the silence broke. "So Rocky said he was gonna let me have some of his old equipment to practice on."

"Does the equipment even work?" "He said it was in perfectly fine condition, he just got new ones for the studio so he didn't need or use them anymore."

He finished off his food and put the tray down and burped. "Nigga." "Negro." I slapped him on the arm.

"Nasty as fuck. You not gonna get a girl by being nasty as fuck." "Who said I wanted a girl as of right now." "You should. We should go to the club and find someone! Come on it'll be fun!"

"The last place I would want to find a girl is in the damn club."

"Mhm, yeah whatever. Give me 20 minutes and I'll be ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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