Imaginary Companion

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Long time ago
There, soliloquizing child
I wiped your tears
Such a clamorous one
You touched my heart
To erase your loneliness

It's a fate
That we met each other
So fragile you were
So lonely I was
As we became friends

These frigorific hands of mine
May couldn't touch you
Or held your hand
But at least you knew
I was there with you

Moments we passed together
Filled with colours
In causerie we laughed
But in people's eyes
It's just you who laughed
With no one

As the time crawls
I kept supporting you
Helping your problematic emotion
Called love
That I've never felt

And so today
The happiest day of yours
To become one
With another human
Wrapped in a love vow

As slowly you left me
Away you go
Into the real future
No more a lonely child
That I met years ago

Away you fly
Forgetting me
As I slowly vanishing
And so
Vacuously disappear

I was only
Your chimerical friend..

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