The Presentation

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Peridots P.O.V
Friday. The day of our presentation. A few days ago Lapis and I decided to make our project on Decimals. I enter the school with Lapis at 7:00 am. We started walking to school together on Wednesday. Yea it was kind of tiring to wake up an hour earlier than usual but hey, the early bird catches the worm. We only wake up so early because I wake up that early. 5 am to be exact.

Lapis was on her phone, scrolling through Instagram while I held the project board we made. We found Amethyst who was being messed with by Jasper. Pearl was trying to stop her. Lapis heard the commotion and looked up from her phone. "Hey!" She yelled putting her phone in her back pocket. "Stop That right now!" "Oh hey, it's the girl who thinks she can beat me up." Jasper taunted. "Well I did, didn't I?" Lapis replied. "Yea you did. And since you did, why don't you do it again." She said as her gang came up behind her. Her gang consisted of Emerald, Jade, Blue Topaz, Green Apatite, and Yellow Agate. Lapis started to back away in fear. All of a sudden Citrine came bursting past me and Lapis carrying a poster board. "Hey! Don't you start." She said, pointing at Jasper. "Oh hey hun. I see you finished the project." "Yea, I did. But don't change the subject so fast. Can please take your friends and stop messing with my friends for like at least a week?" Citrine asked, obviously pissed. "Of course hun. But on one condition. You have to go on a date with me." Jasper said, her gang leaving her. "What?! No!" Citrine protested. "Fine then." Jasper said, walking over to me. She picked me up and punched me in the gut. "OK OK! Fine. I'll go out with you." Citrine said in defeat. "Good." Jasper said dropping me. "I'll text you later hun. See ya runts!" Jasper said, walking off. Citrine turned to us with a look on her face that was terrifying. "I swear to Irene it only Friday. Only fu-" "Language." Garnet said, walking up next to us. Citrine rolled her eyes and started walking to her first period class. Since we all had the same class, I grabbed Amethyst and we started walking towards Citrine (math class).

We made it to math class in 5 minutes. We were still sitting next to our partners and I'm pretty sure Citrine was pissed at that. And for the first time EVER, she pulled out her phone and silently waited for Ms. Brooks to come in.
—-*Timeskip——Class starts—-
"Ok class, today you will be presenting your projects! We will start with Amethyst and Zircon!" Ms. Brooks said.
Timeskip Citrines turn——-

"Next up Citrine and Jasper."
Citrine let out a sigh and hesitantly stood up. As she walked up to the board, Jasper walked out of the classroom. Citrine gave the door a death stare, then started her presentation.
Timeskip to Lapis and P-Dots turn——

"Ok, now finally for Lapis and Peridot!" We both stood up and made our way to the front of the classroom.
——Timeskip to 2nd Period—
The bell rings and Lapis and I make our way toward Citrine's seat, which Amethyst beat us to. Surprisingly, Citrine looked completely fine. "Hey, do you guys wanna like....go somewhere for lunch? I have enough money to pay for us including the gang." She asked. "Heck yea! I'll go  tell Garnet! Amethyst said, running out of the classroom. Citrine looked at Lapis and Lapis looked at me. I nodded yes and so did Lapis. Citrine nodded back and continued to put away her things (they had a worksheet after).
——Timeskip to lunch——
Lapis's P.O.V.
Once second period was over, we cleaned up and started walking to the front of the school when the gang walk up to us. "Are you sure you have enough to pay for all of us?" Pearl asked. "Yup. I don't spend my money that often." Citrine answered. Pearl seemed reassured and with that we left the school.

Imma add more drama for Lapis and P-Dot soon I promise.*laughs* I promise......

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