Background Lore

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OG Published: 08/06/2017

Since the beginning of the new era, humans and dragons were at war with each other. They fought for anything and everything. If the dragons had land, the humans would take it from them, killing any dragon that did not leave quick enough, leaving a slaughter. If the humans had food, it was stolen from their very hands and anyone who fought back were killed without remorse.

This war went on for hundreds of years, the delicate balance of the heavens torn to shreds and the earth withering under all the bloodshed tainting the soil. Too blinded by rage and fear, neither side noticed the earth morphing into a lifeless wasteland until it was too late. Both sides blamed the other for why their land was dying, refusing to believe that any of this was their fault. The dragons being the older race decided the only way to revive their forsaken land was to eliminate all human kind, but the humans had the same plan. Soon, war broke out everywhere and bodies started to litter the land - a true massacre.

A young child was running from her burning village when she tripped over a strange rock; a closer look revealed that the rock was actually a dragon egg. The child quickly picked the egg up, lifting it up over her head ready to smash it into the ground. The child, hesitant, had never ended a life before. The egg in her grasp was warm and the unborn dragon twitched inside the shell as if it knew what was coming. The child did not notice the tears streaming down her face when suddenly there was a large explosion far behind her.

The dragons attacking the village had caught up to the humans escaping through the forest. Without a second thought she ran as fast as she could, holding the egg close to her chest. A small hole that lead into a hollow tree was spotted by the young child, quickly making her way to it and placing the egg inside before looking around, grabbing a large piece of bark and climbing into the hollow opening of the tree as well, using the bark to cover the hole. She clutched the egg close to her chest again, praying no one would notice the odd looking covering and that the dragons would fly over ignoring the tree.

The child didn't remember falling asleep but when she opened her eyes the first thing she noticed was that the bark blocking the hole was moved, letting daylight filter inside the small hiding place. Next, she noticed the egg was gone - no, not gone, smashed. Smashed to pieces that littered the little bit of ground inside the tree. Did she crush the egg in her sleep? No, she couldn't have because there was no dragon. A chirping noise from outside caught the child's attention. Looking out the hollow tree, she saw a young hatchling dragging what appeared to be a fruit of some sort. The thought of food made her stomach rumble. Slowly, she got up to leave the hollow tree and walked up to the hatchling, caution in her steps.

The hatchling, realizing it wasn't alone, looked up to the child and began to chirp happily at her, nudging the strange fruit closer to her feet. The child picked up the fruit to examine it. It was almost as big as her head, with the tip being a lilac purple shifting into red near the middle. The child would have been more cautious about eating it but her stomach rumbled once more. Taking a bite, she was met with a pleasant sweet taste and a soft texture. Looking back at the hatchling she met it's gaze and, feeling grateful, she ripped the fruit in half and shared it with the hatchling.

After finishing the fruit the child made sure to save whatever seeds she could. Studying the hatchling, it was probably only around 2 feet tall and 4 feet long, mostly white with small black accents for it's appearance. The scales had a shifting translucent rainbow effect under the light filtering through the trees. Deciding that the hatchling was better off living in the forest, the child started walking to the village she was escaping to when her home village was attacked. The hatchling had other plans, and followed the retreating child walking close behind, crashing into her legs when she suddenly stopped. Looking down at the hatchling, the girl didn't have the heart to chase the baby dragon off. Maybe she could sneak the hatchling into the village. Smooshing the dragon into her travel sack she entered the village and quickly walked to her grandma's house on the outskirts, making sure to avoid any detection from the village's residents. Her grandmother passed earlier that year but her family kept the house for emergencies. It appeared no one else was there. She let the hatchling out and let it get accustomed to its new surroundings.

Days turned into weeks and then into months. The child's family never showed up to the village. She assumed the worst and hid her sorrow by helping out the other villagers with any tasks they ere doing. They, in return, kept her well fed and clothed. The hatchling became well adjusted to staying indoors during the day and sneaking out to the forest during the night. As the hatchling grew into a juvenile dragon it became harder and harder to hide inside the house, but the problem was solved one afternoon. Dragons found the peaceful village and started to attack, raining fire from the skies. Everyone was in a panic, the dragons taking advantage of that and began to attack close range. The child threw what she could into a travel bag, already planning escape routes in her head. The juvenile dragon had a plan of its own, not wasting any time bolting out of the door. Shocked by the action, the child forgot about packing and quickly chased after the dragon.

The dragon reached the middle of the battle, taking a powerful stance, and let out a commanding roar. The attacking dragons stopped suddenly, confused as to why this dragon wasn't fighting but instead telling them to leave . The humans snapped out of their shock with one brave villager charging the grounded dragon with a farming tool, successfully stabbing the dragon in its hind leg. The other villagers soon followed until suddenly they were being pushed away by the orphaned child. Tears streamed down her face as she held the dragon's head near her trembling body. It was clear to everyone - even the enemy dragons - the bond that these two shared was a strong one. Regret shook the core of every creature there; they all felt some sort of guilt for playing a part in the dragon's death. The tears of the child turned into the tears of the village and dragons as they could only watch her silent pleas.

In what seemed to be a trick caused by the sun, the fallen dragon began to glow, the light became so blinding the child had to back away. The light vanished, left standing in its place was a beautiful woman. On her head were two black horns accenting her long flowing white hair, various parts of her body covered in white scales shifting translucent rainbows in the sunlight. What stood out most was the long dragon tail and piercing amber eyes she had. Instantly recognizing the new creature, the child ran towards the seemingly reborn dragon, wrapping her arms around the dragonoid human being's waist, burying her head into her tummy. After the shock dulled, the villagers dropped to their knees and begged for forgiveness. The dragons descended from the sky and kneeled in front of the woman. It was at that moment the dragon woman revealed herself as Harmonia, one of the goddess sisters.

Harmonia was thrown from the heavens by her sister, Gaos, when the world turned to ruin. The imbalance between the humans and dragons caused Harmonia to lose her powers while Gaos gained too much, slowly corrupting her core until she could not control herself. Harmonia begged the humans and dragons to help her save her sister and in turn save their world. Minutes passed and nobody made a move nor answered the goddess' pleas. The child squeezed the goddess' hand, nodding her head at her. One by one the humans and dragons joined them, asking about plans or how they could help. It took weeks to come up with a solid plan, one they knew would not fail, but it was easier said than done. The humans and dragons still had trouble getting along. Harmonia took the last of her powers and opened a link between humans and dragons using a special mark that bound a human to a dragon. This mark allowed the duo to share mind, body, and soul. After enough training they were ready to face Gaos.

With the help of the child, Harmonia was able to open a rift to the goddess' palace. The duo lead their small army to Gaos' chamber where the true battle began. The battle was long and tiring, casualties slowly raising in numbers, and their determination was wearing thin. Finally the finishing blow was dealt and Gaos was subdued, balance was returned to the world and Harmonia gained her power back.

When they returned to the village and sent scouts to the other villages, the child and goddess' adventure spread like wildlife, other villages began to follow in their footsteps and forged peace between the two races. The small village turned into a thriving kingdom. In the center of the kingdom was a fountain with statues of the two goddesses and the child, surrounding them were the 12 dragons and humans heroes who helped restore balance to the world.

There were still humans and dragons who refused to conform to peace, they still held grudges against the other race. Occasionally they would act out and attack anyone who followed the kingdom. To solve this problem the remaining heroes build a defense system called the dragon guard. A problem arises when they realized that it was nearly impossible for just any human and dragon to be compatible. Only members with the mark from Harmonia could truly succeed. As a parting gift the two goddesses blessed more humans and dragons with the mark before ascending back to their home. The dragon guard was able to grow stronger now with more members and the child became the first queen of the kingdom.

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