Animal Catching /Fun Adventures. Miracle of Homemade Remedies. Summer Solstice.

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The weather during the summer in the Kingdom consisted of warm mornings and blazing hot afternoons, only cooling down later in the day. This, however, didn't stop the flood of people visiting the kingdom. If anything, it brought more people in for the summer solstice that took place during the first month of summer. There was also the end of summer celebration and MLDC, but those were still a few months away. All the members of B.A.P were excited for the summer solstice; this was the first year all of their families could attend the event.

Yongguk and Himchan were going to help out around the diner their sisters co-owned along with Yongnam, who was being 'forced' to play a live concert with his band, making it a 'dinner and a show' sort of deal. Jongup and Junhong had been saving their earnings so they could bring Jongup's family to visit. Daehyun's family always came to the summer solstice to spend time with him and Himchan's family. Youngjae and Jaebum finally convinced their mother to come and planned on dragging her to every stall possible along with the rest of Got7. It was going to be pure chaos.

The dragons were going to visit the Matoki Clan with the exception of Kekemato and Jokomato. The yellow masked dragon had been invited to come along but declined the offer saying something along the lines of "it would be like going to a party knowing no one there and who was going to keep Kekemato company." The white masked dragon was happy that its friend was staying. Kekemato wouldn't admit it but the summer solstice was kinda lonely because Daehyun was busy with family and the matoki didn't have any other friends outside of the herd. The two dragons started making plans, mapping out a nice flight route and finding the perfect spot to watch the fireworks show while they ate a nice dinner.

Everyone's planning was cut short when Yongguk was given a mission brief. He gathered the team and they headed to the supply rooms. Jongup was bouncing on his feet, happy to go on a mission after his arm finally healed. Everyone was in the sky soaring towards the town in need of their assistance. The mission was simple: fly to a town called Iron Blossom and help the townspeople locate their lost grazing animals while they repaired the fencing. The heat made things much more difficult, though. They couldn't fly long distances without the risk of one of the dragons succumbing to heatstroke. Matoki dragons were made for living in the cold mountains, which was why their team focused on the northern territories. Normally they wouldn't have been given this mission but the teams focused on the southern territories were all tied up in other more important missions.

"I'm going to fight the sun." Jokomato grunted, sitting in the shade with everyone else.

"I support this action." Dadamato was ready to fly into space and blow up the sun.

"You do know destroying the sun would kill everything." Himchan looked at the overheated dragons, all of them were glaring at him. He shrugged his shoulders and took another swig of his water.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that it's impossible to get near the sun, let alone attack it?" Youngjae dumped some of his water onto Jokomato's head, the dragon letting out a pleased sigh.

"Come on, the town isn't too far. It's near a river so the dragons can cool off while we start looking for the lost animals." With newfound energy the dragons took off speeding to the town. The humans were dropped off in front of the town's entrance as the dragons headed straight to the cool river. A small group of townspeople greeted them and lead B.A.P to the pasture the animals were usually kept. A few animals were still in the large enclosure but it was obvious a lot were missing. There was a huge chunk of the fence gone where the animals must have left through.

"What happened?" Yongguk asked.

"There was a bad lightning storm last night. One struck the fence and must have spooked the animals. We were able to find a few still near the town but a lot of them must have gone into the forest looking for safety."

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