The Past Always Comes Back to Bite You in the Ass

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The summer solstice had came and gone in a blink of an eye. The families had left to go back home. The Moon family planned on moving to the kingdom in the upcoming month thanks to Mrs. Moon's home remedy for sunburns. Everyone was sitting around outside the gates of the Dragon Guard HQ waiting for the missing dragons to come home. Youngjae was sitting against Jokomato's side playing cards with Junhong and Himchan. Yongguk was reading a book he found in Youngjae's room; it was about flying technes old dragon riders would use to get the upper hand in battle. Jongup was tying flowers together to make flower crowns out of nearby weeds. Daehyun was napping on top of Kekemato, who was happily wearing one of Jongup's crowns.

"Junhong!!!" An excited Totomato dropped right in the middle of the card game. Youngjae and Himchan let out a huff of annoyance but let it go when Junhong embraced his dragon. Tatsmato made a more graceful landing next to Himchan, nuzzling its partner. Youngjae couldn't help but coo at the dragon. Yongguk set the book down to greet his partner, listening to Shishimato boast about all its victories. Dadamato tackled into Kekemato, knocking Daehyun off. Jongup laughed at his dragon as he placed a dandelion crown on its head to match Kekemato. Daehyun grumbled under his breath before he flopped onto Jokomato's back to continue napping. Everyone made their way back to the B.A.P chamber, sharing stories about the summer solstice.

"Speaking of adventures, did you get anything from the ruins?" Daehyun asked stretching his arms out, sitting on top of Jokomato.

"I got some more books, Jongup got a few metal figurines, Junhong get a dagger..." Youngjae continued to ramble about other things the dragons got.

"Oh! What about the golden statues we got?" Everyone looked at Jongup. Before the older members could ask, the three youngers went to their rooms. Junhong dug through his travel pack looking for the golden statue. Jongup and Youngjae entered his room with their statues, everyone else following close behind. Junhong finally found the golden bear, pulling it out of the pack to place it next to the wolf and deer statues.

"These are certainly unique. Do you know what they are for?" Himchan asked.

"I planned on reading the books to see if I could find anything but I haven't had time. There was something written on the pedestals they were on though." Youngjae cleared his throat " Let the animals guild our blood. To the jewel of the unseen. To lead them a better life. "

"So these statues will take us to a jewel that will make our lives better?" Yongguk took a closer look at the golden animals. What a strange discovery.

Before Youngjae could answer their leader, Junhong's desk drawer started to glow. Everyone stared at it with wide eyes. Without thinking Junhong opened the drawer and pulled out the thing emitting the magical glow. It suddenly stopped glowing, revealing itself to be a teal diamond connected to a gold necklace with smaller jewels dangling from it.

"That must be the Jewel of the unseen!"

"That's the Prime Minister's family treasure!" Himchan and Youngjae exclaimed at the same time.

"Wait, what?" Youngjae snapped his head to Himchan.

"That necklace is a family treasure passed down throughout the generations. It's one of the few artifacts from the great war. It belonged to one of the original dragon rider's, so it's very important. The Prime Minister was almost killed. The attacker was never arrested and the necklace gone. So, the question now is how the hell did you get it, Junhong?" Himchan glared at the youngest. He didn't want to assume anything but the facts are stacked against him. Junhong paled at the question, he clenched the necklace closer to his chest. Jongup gently placed his hand on Junhong's shoulder while Totomato and Dadamato got into a defensive stance in front of their partners.

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