The Summer Games.

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The end of summer was approaching fast and with it came the Major League Dragul Cup. People from all over came to watch dragonriders compete against each other to win the gold.

Himchan walked into the main chamber with a small stack of paper in his hands. Daehyun immediately saw the paperwork and sat up, bouncing in his seat. This caused everyone else to get excited, except Youngjae who was confused. No one has ever shown this much enthusiasm for paperwork. "What's the paper for?" Youngjae took a stapled packet of paper from Himchan and read the large bold text. "Major League Dracul Cup entry forms?" It sounded familiar but where did he hear it from. Youngjae was lost in thought for a second when Daehyun let out a dramatic gasp, slapping both hands onto his cheeks.

"You don't know what the MLDC is? Do you live under a rock?" Youngjae ignored the older in favor of thinking. Daehyun grunted when Yongguk elbowed him in the ribs, his glare clearly said 'don't be rude' but Daehyun just shrugged it off and waited for the younger to reply. Everyone jumped slightly when Youngjae suddenly yelled 'I remember now!' They leaned in closer to Youngjae, curious about what he was talking about.

"Jaebum used to write about it a lot when he started his training, it's like a game competition thingy for dragon riders." Youngjae looked proud of himself for remembering and everyone laughed in amusement.

"That's one way to describe it." Junhong snickered before calming down. "So are you going to apply? This is me and Jongup's first year competing. We can do one of the team games."

"I'm going to win all the games!" Dadamato shouted suddenly, butting his head into the conversation.

"But we can only apply to 5 max. 2 solo and 2 team and then there is the gang/herd race." Jongup said looking up from the packet at his dragon.

"I don't think you heard me right. I said ALL of them." Jongup let out an exaggerated sigh but didn't argue with Dadamato. The other dragons wandered over to their partners to discuss which competition they wanted to enter. Youngjae tackled a sleeping Jokomato who didn't wake up. Youngjae huffed, lightly shook the dragon until it woke up.

"What?" Jokomato looked at its partner with one eye open.

"Do you want to play a few games in the MLDC?" Youngjae wiggled the packet in front of the dragon's face.

"Not really but I assume you want to." Youngjae nodded his head firmly, determination sparked in his eyes. "Fine, we can do one or two. What is there?" Jokomato listened to Youngjae list off all the different events they could apply to. "I wonder what Jaebum is doing. It would be fun to race against him and Nora."

"We should ask!" Youngjae didn't wait for his dragon before bolting out the B.A.P chamber.

"Hey what about the team game!?" Junhong yelled but Youngjae was already gone. Jokomato followed sluggishly behind the human, ignoring Junhong's question. The youngest pouted at the others but was only met with amused grins. Jongup took pity on his friend and told him they could ask later.

"You can be on my team for the three rider relay if you want." Himchan offered the youngest with a comforting smile. Junhong happily agreed to be on his team along with Daehyun. Daehyun and Himchan were only doing one solo and one team game this year so they could focus more on the herd race. Junhong wasn't sure about which games he wanted to do and Totomato didn't really care for competing, both of them only wanted to have fun with their friends. Jongup offered a friendly competition to see who could beat the other in archery. They both giggled at the idea of them failing horribly but they signed up for it anyways. Unsurprisingly Himchan and Yongguk signed up for the same solo race. They enjoyed using the MLDC as an excuse to kindle their rivalry. Last year they tied in the 10,000 meter race and demanded a rematch even though neither of them placed, the judges were quick to shut down the rematch. Daehyun laughed at them from the second place podium while Junhong and Jongup sat in the stands embarrassed by their competition hungry friends.

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