Himchan the Knight and Tatsmato's tattoos

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A young 9 year old boy dressed in a tailored suit sat on a piano bench quietly warming up with the rest of the orchestra. When the conductor stepped onto the podium, the orchestra fell silent, and with a wave of his baton the orchestra came back to life, enchanting anyone who listened. The boy's fingers moved on their own as muscle memory took over. His mind began to wonder else where; thoughts about the pink mark on his right shoulder came and went as he played through his seven measure piano solo. The magical performance came to an ending crescendo and the young musician bowed, then left the stage with all the other instrument players. A faceless person complimented the young boy as he walked by.

"Well done, Himchan. You played excellently - as usual." Others joined in giving Himchan the stale, generic, overused compliments he heard on a daily basis. Never wanting to be seen as rude, Himchan simply smiled and nodded, saying an occasional thank you as he made his way to his parent's coach. When Himchan entered his parents were quick to greet him as they chatted about the concert.

"Your solo was quite bland. What had you distracted? Was it the lights? I knew they were too bright." Mrs.Kim was a famous singer who had a way of enchanting the audience with her soulful voice. She was a very busy woman, but made sure to attend all of Himchan's important events.

"No mother, it wasn't the lights... Today I saw new dragons at the Dragon Guard... And, well, you know..." Himchan mumbled. He knew how his mother wanted him to pursue music instead of joining the Dragon Guard, but he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. Mrs. Kim let out a sigh, while his father chuckled and patted his son on the shoulder.

"I will check to see if one of the new recruits shares your mark tomorrow during lunch. How does that sound?" Mr.Kim was the top general of the Dragon Guard. He had started as a lowly cadet - barely able to make it through training - but with a lot of hardwork and dedication, Mr. Kim was able to become one of the best flyers in the Silmul Kingdom. Himchan grew up hearing about his father's success and that inspired him to become a dragon rider, much to his mother's displeasure.

"Okay." Himchan would be lying if he said he wasn't excited but he knew there was a chance his dragon had yet to show up, so to hide his disappointment he tried to act indifferent towards the outcome.

"Don't forget your promise to accompany Sunhwa tomorrow. It is rude to leave a young lady-"

"I won't forget mother. I can just bring her along when I visit father." Mrs.Kim huffed at being interrupted but smiled nonetheless. Deep down she knew Himchan would become a dragon rider no matter what. That did nothing to stop the fear she felt thinking about all the things that could go wrong and take her son away from her. Her troubling thoughts ended when they arrived home, walking into the house, a warm delicious smell wafted through the air. Himchan ran to the dining room to see what dinner awaited them, a lovely golden roasted ham sat in the middle surrounded by various side dishes. At the end of the table sat a chocolate cake with a note on it.

Sorry I couldn't make it to the concert tonight.

Do not eat too much cake this time Himchan. Last time you got sick!

Love, Big Sis

Himchan read the note out loud to his parents, pouting at what his sister wrote. He ate too much cake once when he was five and now his sister teases him every chance she got. His parents nudge him to his seat, while Mr.Kim's dragon enters to join them for dinner. Himchan happily greets the dragon as she settles down at her usual spot near the window.

"Hello, Himchan. How was the concert?" His father's dragon partner, Kimi, greeted politely, waiting to be served her portion of tonight's meal.

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