The Great Thief Zelo and the Carefree Dragon Totomato.

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The town streets were always packed during the afternoon. Some were getting off work while others were about to start, completing errands, on a lunch break, or maybe they were relaxing on their day off. Children getting out of school favored stopping by ice cream stands or stuffing their faces with fresh baked goods- all but one child.

His face was covered by the hood of his cloak as he gracefully weaved in between the unsuspecting people like a dance. Eyes constantly moving, looking for not only the easiest pockets to pick but also escape routes and any possible dangers. Once he picked a target, their belongings were gone before they could even blink. After years of being on the streets, Junhong mastered everything there was to stealing and surviving by the age of 7.

Rumors about Junhong began to circle around after a few close calls with the police and even the Dragon Guard. Some were ridiculous, going as far to say he was some sort of monster brought to this world to stir trouble. Others made up a simpler story of a boy who had no one, left alone to fend for himself. No one knew the true origin of this boy, they didn't even know his name or where he came from. The only thing they had on the boy was a vague description that could, quite honestly, match any child and a made up name the people yelled at him when he was caught stealing: Zelo.

Junhong was surprised when he first heard the name, thinking that they were mistaking him for someone else. When he realized the townspeople had actually given the time and thought to name this mysterious thief, it gave him an odd warm feeling of finally being noticed, but that feeling was quickly buried when logic took over; if people noticed him enough to give him a name, soon they would be able to spot him before he did anything. Instead of doing the more suitable option of laying low until everything blew over, Junhong rode his misplaced fame, growing braver with how much he stole, and became bolder when choosing the empty vacation homes he would break into to escape the harsh cold nights.

People became obsessed with trying to catch the thief, demanding the inadequate police to do their job or questioning the Dragon Guard as to why they could not catch a measly child. Shopkeepers started to set up their own ganky traps in hopes to finally end their suffering but nothing could stop Junhong. Whenever someone came close to catching the child he would break free with surprising strength and yell "No one can stop Zelo, the greatest thief in history!" as he ran away disappearing as quickly as he appeared. More people began to believe in the rumors about a monster who came from the shadows in the form of a child, sent from the depths to bring misfortune wherever it went.

One night as Junhong was looking for a new place to take refuge from the searing summer night, he stumbled across a lady sitting on the ground in an alley propped up against a trashcan. Around her neck was a simple golden chain accented with a few small dangling gems, but in the center of the necklace was a teal diamond about the size of a child's fist. Junhong had never stolen useless things like jewelry because selling it without being questioned would have been impossible, but something about the diamond called out to him. Hearing footsteps approaching, Junhong snatched the necklace and slipped into the shadows, hastily making his way to an abandoned house to rest.

When Junhong awoken the next day, he could hear the normal hustle of the afternoon rush. He took out the stolen jewelry and examined it once more before pocketing it and left the house as if nothing had entered it to begin with. Walking down the street scoping out his next meal, Junhong overheard today's gossip. Instead of being about the typical mundane problems it was about a valuable treasure that had been stolen off some important lady. Junhong was in too much of a panic to hear the rest, forgetting about lunch, he made a beeline for the children's park and hid in a plastic tunnel.

What am I supposed to do? What is going to happen to me if they catch me? Will I die? I don't want to find out. Questions swirled around his head as he tried to find a solution. Maybe I could throw it at the police and run. That was his best bet but when he touched the diamond in his pocket the unknown feeling came back to him. No... I want to keep it, there has to be another way. Junhong left the playground and looked for another solution, hiding his cringe whenever a policeman or dragon rider passed him.

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