Pirate Clown's treasure

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The matoki herd had returned to the Dragon Guard Headquarters after staying a few days at the Titanium Hills outpost, making sure no other rogues started kicking up trouble. When they returned, Himchan made sure to give Youngjae and Jokomato the grand tour of the place since they mostly stayed around the trainee area. Their last stop was the new B.A.P chamber.

It had a large main chamber that split into six smaller ones and each smaller chamber had a room attached to it where the human partner lived. It was like a large six room condo. The other members had already moved most of their things into the new living space but Youngjae and Jokomato had most of their things still back at the old cave in the Eternal Forest. The duo made plans to go back and drag their things to their new home. Youngjae estimated it would take one large moving wagon and at least 4 days of traveling. He talked to Yongguk about their plans. The leader gave them permission and asked them to bring Jongup along. Due to the hairline fracture in his arm, Jongup had been given time off until the wound healed. Said boy was bored out of his mind so this simple 'moving mission' (as Yongguk put it) should give the younger boy something to do.

Youngjae awoke the next morning to Jongup sitting on his chest, pinching his cheek.

"Come on! It's time to goooo." Jongup gave the older boy his best puppy faced pout. Youngjae groaned before carefully shoving the hyper boy off of him.

"What time is it?" Youngjae asked rubbing his eyes with the back of his fist. "If it's anytime before ten I'm going to leave you here to rot in boredom." He tried to give Jongup a glare but it looked more like a grumpy puppy.

"It's ten o'clock on the dot. Now get up and let's go!" Jongup whined as he pulled on one of Youngjae's arms with his good arm. Jongup forgot how strong he was and ended up actually pulling Youngjae out of his bed and onto the floor. Deciding that this was much easier, Jongup proceed to drag Youngjae towards his wardrobe.

"Jongup I swear to the goddesses I will smite you so hard if you don't-!" Youngjae was interrupted by a shirt being thrown into his face along with a pair of pants. "Okay! You need to chill." Youngjae stood up and pushed Jongup towards the door. "Give me 20 minutes and I'll meet you at the moving wagon." Before Jongup could protest, Youngjae closed the door on the younger. He smiled to himself. Yeah, Youngjae hated to be woken up in the mornings, but Jongup was too adorable to stay mad at. When Youngjae finally left his room Jokomato was already gone; he assumed the younger duo had dragged his partner along with them. He walked towards their meeting location, spotting Jongup already in the coachman's seat ready to go.

"Hey, scoot over. I don't trust you driving this thing one handed." Youngjae jumped into the driver's seat as Jongup pouted.

"I brought breakfast." Jongup opened the brown paper bag pulling out two breakfast sandwiches from the mess hall, handing one to Youngjae while he munched on his own. "Wait, why do you get to drive one handed but I don't?" Jongup asked with his mouth full.

"There's a difference between driving one handed and driving one handed because of a broken arm." Youngjae stated, munching on his breakfast as well. "Also, I'm only going to be driving one handed for a bit." Jongup huffed at him looking away. Youngjae sighed. Why does the hurt puppy look always work on him? "I'll let you take control after we hit our first checkpoint."

"Promise?" Jongup gave the older boy a shy peak over his shoulder.

"Promise. But if we crash I'm never letting you drive again."

"We won't!" The rest of the drive was filled with light hearted chatting. Jongup grew more excited as they neared the first checkpoint. It was a small village that was near a small river. Youngjae gave Jongup some money to buy lunch and a few snacks as he walked the horses to the river for a break. Dadamato and Jokomato ran up and down the river side chasing each other in a game of tag. It was cute in a dragon sort of way. Jongup returned with a lot of plastic bags hanging off his good arm filled with different foods.

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