First Encounter

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Chloe's P.O.V:

I sigh as I unenthusiastically drag my feet as I step off the school bus, looking around as the sunlight hits my eyes, causing me to squint a little because of the brightness and because I'm still a little hungover from last night. Damn, this is the first time in a while that I'm actually not late for school. In the distance I can see Blackwell academy, or BlackHELL as I call it. That place is honestly fucked and it's full of spoilt, rich ass students who think that they're better than everyone else just because they were born into a rich family. I on the other hand, don't have a lot of money. I have just enough to get by. Maybe that's why everybody at this school tries their best to avoid me. Or maybe they just know that I don't have time for their bullshit. I'm pretty sure that none of the students here know my name anyway, yet that doesn't stop them from talking behind my back or pretending that I don't exist. They all think that I'm a weird loser just because I have no friends and I'm always alone, plus my dress code doesn't suit theirs. And ugh, don't even get me started on the teachers. I can't stand the way they all look at me with pity in their eyes, probably because of the death of my dad. I don't need their pity, I just want to be left alone by everybody. Don't get me wrong, there are a few students that are bearable like Steph, Mikey, Justin and Eliot when he's not trying to get into my pants. Even they can't help me enjoy my time here though. I'm an isolated mess to society and quite frankly, I don't give a shit about being alone if everyone is this stuck up.

Whatever, I probably won't be in this school for much longer anyway, considering that Principal Wells hates my ass. Wells has never liked me, even before I started to cause trouble for the teachers. I wish he'd just hurry up and get it all over with by expelling me, at least I wouldn't have to come to this shit hole everyday and see my so called 'classmates'. I start my dreaded walk onto campus, grabbing my phone from my pocket as I do so, so that I can avoid talking to people by looking at my screen. It's not like anyone wants to talk to me anyway, but you never know. As I turn my phone on, I see that I still have a few minutes to kill before classes start. Great, I could really use a cigarette right now. After putting my phone back into my pocket, I walk over to the brick wall at the side of Blackwell where people hide behind to smoke, placing my backpack down on the floor. I lean on the wall and take the last cigarette from the packet and light it up, putting it to my lips as I take a long drag from it and sigh as I exhale the smoke, enjoying the light breeze from the wind on my face. 

Although I like being alone most of the time, I must admit that I miss having someone by my side. I miss Max so much, she hasn't even bothered to text me even after all of the messages I've sent to her. I miss sharing secrets with her and playing those dumb pirate games that we used to play when we were kids. It hurts so much that I can't hug her when I'm down, she used to make me feel so much better when she hugged me. It's like she's vanished from my life forever and I'll never get her back. Max was my only real friend, my life was filled with joy and happiness whenever she was around. But then my life just turned to shit when my dad died and Max moved to Seattle. I frown and continue to smoke my cigarette, cursing Max for abandoning me. I know she didn't want to leave me, she had no choice because of her dad's promotion, but she could of at least kept in touch with me. I can't say I blame her for not talking to me anymore though, I'm a mess and she probably doesn't want to deal with me anymore. I bet moving away from me has been a huge relief for her, not having to watch me grieve over my dad.

Once I've had enough of my cigarette, I throw it onto the floor and stand on the end of it to make sure that it's out. I take a look at the brick wall and see that a few bits of graffiti are scattered on it. To take my mind off Max, I reach into my pocket and take out my trusty marker, writing 'Chloe was here' on an empty part of the brick wall. If I'm going to be expelled soon, I may as well let people know that I was here once. After admiring my work for a second, I put my marker away and run a hand through my hair to fix it, sighing as I look over at the entrance of the school. I guess I could just ditch classes again, but I really don't wanna disappoint my mom more than I already have. She's trying so hard to keep me in school, even if it's taking all of her money to do so. And here I am, being selfish and not even putting any effort into my grades. I shake my head to myself and sigh, deciding that I should go to classes at least for today. I did promise mom after all.

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