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You had so many of them, emotion. Look at yourself now. You never know how to feel about anything. Maybe it's just how you protect yourself but it isn't going to stand.
Just when you can finally turn them off someone comes along. You blame it all on her. Was it really her fault? What she did was terrible but you could've had some self control. Your emotions got the best of you.
After her you were done, you couldn't look at anything the same. Those emotions of yours got messed up.
You used to love everything. Now you want it to all burn.
You used to love everyone. Now you want them to all burn with few exceptions.
You used to be confident, happy, nice, worry free.
Then she happened. They happened. It happened.
It's been a two years, get yourself together.
None of that matters now.

Who are you now? A dipshit. Yet, you wouldn't have it any other way. I think the worst thing is that some emotions never change. No matter what happens some will always be the same. You don't love yourself but you love being a dipshit. You love some people, you love a person. Don't let go of the little emotions you actually have left.
Don't leave your emotions.

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