Meeting met Tanja.

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Een uur later kwam pas Tanja. Alleen Elisa was nog in de café.
"Are You Enida of something like that???".
"Are You Tanja?"
"Yess i Think so."
"Sit down.", Elisa ziet meteen dat Tanja echt heel tuttig is. Maar eigenlijk is ze wel een knap meisje.
"What do you want from me"
".Stop it"
"With what? What do you say?"
"Stop ruining people's lives. "
"Uhh whitch people .... "
"Marcus And Jungkook."
"Keep your head you do not even know what happened. "
"What then? They just liked you and you almost kill them for that reason? "
"I have not nearly killed them. But because they almost killed my husband, so they just got it back. "
"How old are You?
"23 why? How old are you then?"
"None of your business. I am here only to say that you must leave Marcus and Jungkook alone ... especially Marcus. "
"Haha, are You Marcus' girlfriend?
"Maybe it is ... "
"Listen, you do not seem so stupid and an idiot, so I want to say one thing. They have to pay money. "
"Money? Haha, why would they pay you money?"
"That remains a secret, but if you say that to them, they know very well what they have to do."
"And how much do they have to pay? "
"all 2 half million"
"bye, I have to leave. Pass this on to them." , En ze ging weg.
Elisa appte Martinus;
*Hey, i have something to say. When can i call You?*
Even later belde Martinus haar.
~"Hey Elisa"
"Hey how are You? And how is Marcus? Is he okay?"
"Wait a second."
(Martinus geeft de telefoon aan Marcus.)
"Hi Elisa."
"OMG Mac?"
"How are You???"
"I'm fine, hope to see You soon."
"Yes...i have something to say..."
"Say it."
"I have meet Tanja...."
"Tanja???? Why Tanja!!! I hate her."
"Jungkook had nothing to do with this. It was all her plan! And she wants money. she said that you know what you have to pay her money for."
"OMG so because we did not give her her money she wants us dead ..."
"I don't know...what do you have to pay her for?"
"Long story. okay I have to hang up bæ. We miss you ... especially I haha."
"Noemde hij me nou bæ!!???"

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