Meet Marcus Gunnarsen

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Elly wist dat M&M ook een concert had in London dus bedacht ze dat ze Marcus moet vinden anders zou er ook een oorlog tussen haar en Kiki komen. Om Marcus te vinden had Elly Jungook nodig. Jungkook nam contact met Marcus op en daagde hem uit voor een Oorlog Man tegen Man. Maar natuurlijk zou dat helemaal niet gebeuren...
-OMG ben blij voor je .
-kom met me mee ik weet niet wat ik met hem moet praten...
-nee denk maar...ik heb andere dingen te doen.
-je bent met mij en mijn ouders samen hier dus je moet wel mee.
; Het leek erop alsof alles mis zou gaan maar gelukkig kon Elly nog snel ff een berichtje naar Jungook sturen...
-hij zegt dat hij graag wil dat ik alleen kom...AAGGGHH

En dan was het al tijd...
Elly moest alleen gaan omdat Jungkook en Kiki naar een restaurant waren gegaan.... En Elly had de nummer van Marcus gekregen van Jungkook.
-oke ik ga bellen......
-uhmm sorry....Are you Marcus??
-uhhhh yes....who are you?
-my name is Elisa (or Elly)
-ohh what can i do for you?
-i'm know that you hate Junkook .....i just want to talk you about it..
-uhhhmmmm....i'm sorry but I do not want to talk about this with people who have nothing to do with it or who I do not know...
-believe me I know Jungkook and I just want it to be okay.
-sorry but why do you want it so badly, you have nothing to do with it?.
-Yes, I and my bff get into a fight if you do not make it right, because I am a MMer and she is an Army ...
-uhhhmm...I do not know what to say....
-I know where you and Jungkook would meet and he is not going to come he has made an appointment for us, so come to that place I am waiting for you.
-uuhhmm ok bye.
-niks, wow je ziet er leuk uit!
-tnx ik heb er zo zin in!
-oke kom je ni telaat?
-jawel ik moet al gaan byeeee
-bye veel plezier♡
Na een paar minuten ging Elly er ook vandoor naar de plek waar ze Marcus zou ontmoeten...
Ze wachtte wel bna een uur toen kwam er iemand met een zonnebril en capuchon.
-hey , are you Elisa?
-uuhhmm..yess?? And who are you?
Op dat moment zette hij zijn capuchon en zijn bril af...
-Marcus Gunnarsen...
Marcus zette snel zijn hand voor haar mond en kidnepte haar een auto in.
-i'm sorry I just did not want to be seen by fans now.
-ohh ok....can you please tell me completely what was there between you and Jungkook?
-yes.....we meet at the pop awards and I immediately became friends with Jungkook I liked him most of the whole band. Martinus was more with everyone but one day I and Jungkook had agreed in Norway because he was just there on vacation and we saw Sandy she worked at a Norwegian Restaurant and I and Jeon were apparently both kind of in love with her....
-ohh..and I have heard that she is now married??
-yes thats true...
-but...continue with your story.
-ok, me and Jeon became best friends and he also visited me more often in Norway or when we were on a tour he often came. one day I wanted to tell him that I liked a girl and he wanted that too and unexpectedly we both said that we like Sandy and then we had a very bad fight ... we went to fight Jungkook had a few days a blue eye and I was very troubled by my arm because I was pushed by him. and then he said that I should find someone else for myself because Sandy is for him, but I said that maybe he could not attract anyone else just that of her. and so we had a fight that we started ruining each other's concerts.
-ohhw...and why did not you stop that fight when Sandy got married?
-i don't know....we hated each other so badly that it was not about Sandy anymore, but about drawing attention from other girls.
-and would not you want to make friends with him again?
-I do not know ... I've already hated him so much that it's going to be difficult...
-I want to help you so much...but I don't know how...
-do you want to do that for your best friend?
-not only for her but I do not want the great concerts of my idols to be ruined..
-You are really nice, do you know that?
-I never appreciate myself ..I never appreciate myself ..
Marcus staarde haar de hele tijd heel schattig aan...toen kwam hij steeds dichterbij met zijn hoofd en hij wilde Elly bijna kussen....
Elly en Marcus schrokken en Marcus ging de auto uitstappen en Elly erachteraan. Het was Martinus.
-why are you here? Dad said you had to meet someone or something ... and who is she?
-hello, i'm Elisa or Elly...I think I should go...
- No Elisa!! Please don't go!! Wait there!
-Martinus, just go away, we'll talk later.
-who is she?
-we talk later about it!!
-okeeeeeyyy I am going already!!
Marcus liep jaar Elly toe...
-i want to meet you again Elisa....
-my call sign is Elly you can say Elly.
-oh oke...i love your name...Elisa or Elly, both very nice....
-thank you!!
-but....can we meet again please???
-uuhhh i think yes....but...with Jungkook...
-What!!?? No whay??!!
-you really have to talk to each other. otherwise it will never be okay and your concerts will be ruined so much that your fans will get lost!
-You're right, but I hate him so much ... I don't know how to sit quietly in front of him..
-Just believe me. if you think back to your old friendship with him, everything will be fine!
-ok....bye nice girl...
Na een tijdje oogcontact gaf Marcus onverwacht Elly een knuffel en zei: Thank you very mutch!
En hij ging er vandoor.
Tot Elly erbij kwam van die knuffel ging ze snel terug naar hun hotel. De ouders van Kiki hadden een foutje gemaakt waardoor ze in verschillende hotels zaten. Kiki, haar zus Katrin en Elly moesten in een ander hotel overnachten dan Kiki's ouders.

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