Coronation Day - 2

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The King's POV 

It was very fortunate that the Gerudo traitor informed us of the oncoming attack. Otherwise my daughter and the full kingdom would've been in grave danger. The hall is in a panic, now aware of the situation. All of my men are out fighting or guarding the castle. I'm very worried but I trust Link to take care of her. I sent her away with him because I know, even if I never see get to see my only child again, she'll be safe and happy. That's all I need, I believe with all my heart and soul that he can and will take good care of her. 

"Sir, one of insiders informed us that the Gerudo sent the army of goblins to distract the main Hylian army while they cut off Link and Zelda!"

"What?! Gather the ten fastest men and ride to my daughter's aid! Hurry!"

With that, the knight ran toward the army to gather his men. Oh goddesses, if the army doesn't get to them, I'll make the Gerudo pay! Damn them! Trying to out smart us! To think it almost worked as well! Hopefully Link can think fast, he's going to need to...

Link's POV 

I manage to halt Epona before they noticed us. Crap, crap, crap! What am I going to do? The full goblin army was a set up! Any way we run we're trapped! We go back and I'm endangering Zel, we go on and they'll outnumber us and if we go in either direction left or right we'll be spotted! Damn it! Think! Think! Link you idiot!

"Attack Link! Use all you've got!" I hear being shouted at Zelda and I, I turn sharply to see a ten man army headed to help us! 

"Zelda, aim carefully, keep your distance, no matter what stay here and if something happens to me I need you to run. I'm not asking, I'm telling you. You have about 50 arrows here you should be able to hit all of them at least ! I love you!" I don't even give her time to reply before I run straight towards the Gerudo, wielding my sword as the knight squad approach me, damn they are fast! My heart is racing, Zelda is being very careful and waiting to shoot, she fires before they charge at us and she hits the woman standing in the middle, right between the eyes. That's my girl, great as ever! 

As she falls the others faces fill with rage and they draw daggers and swords, ready to attack. One comes running at me and I swing my sword in an upward motion, causing her to fall to the ground. Zelda kills a few more while I do the same, the squad are completely uninjured. This fight is going greatly! We've now dwindled their numbers down to just 15. I've taken a few hits here and there but nothing major. Zelda still has a few arrows enough to kill most of the women that are left.The squad all charge into the cave to check for more, they come back minutes later when Zelda has ridden up and checked me for injuries. 

"All clear. Be safe guys, return as soon as you hear word of this all being over." One of the knights say while patting me on the back. 

"Thank you" Zelda and I say in unison.

We ride off on Epona, through the cave. The air is damp and there is a strong smell of rats in here, but that's to be expected with the pile of bodies at the entrance. Damn, guess we left a trail. Upon exit, we both take deep breaths in and laugh. 

"Finally, I can breathe!" Zelda says, giggling.

"Yeah! It's awful in there!" I say, choking for air.

We pass a few towns, the first was the town Zelda's father had set up a place for us to stay in but we told them to refund him. They'll know that we're there if the know about the cave. After a long walk in all sorts of directions we come upon a small town, far from the border. Nice little place. We stop at the stables, drop Epona at one of the private ones (to ensure she's well looked after). We book a room at the first hotel we come across and go shopping. Lucky I always have emergency rupees on me. I'm pretty sure Zelda's dad slipped a fair few rupees in Epona's pouches too. 

After out shopping we stack food into the fridge and get changed so that we're less recognisable. We spend the rest of the day discussing the going ons in Hyrule. 

"I hope everyone is okay!" Zelda says.

"Don't worry, you seen for yourself, the Gerudo are horribly prepared. The obviously thought it would be easier to battle us. Everyone is fine!" I hoped what I was saying was true. 

"I love you, Link. You need to be more careful though. That attack on the Gerudo could've ended up horribly and you know it! You should've at least let me say "I love you too" before charging off like that!" She says, angrily.

"Yeah, sorry about that!" I say laughing and rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh shut up you!" 

She pushes me and I push her back, gently of course. I don't wanna hurt her. After we finish shoving each other we decide to call it a night and cuddle up together. After around an hour of talking she turns to me before we fall asleep and says "Link, I want you to promise me something?"


"That you won't leave me to rule alone for ever... I don't want to do it all alone..."

"If you'll be my bride, then I'll be your king..."

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