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chapter thirteen ; the full moon1976

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chapter thirteen ; the full moon

"PEST! WHAT'S THE ANSWER TO QUESTION SIX?" JAMES SHOUTED ACROSS THE HISTORY OF MAGIC CLASSROOM. The students in the room all looked in the direction of Tempest and Fergus, who were busy finishing Professor Binns' topic test. The old ghost was bumbling around the front of the classroom, writing down the lesson plan, not noticing how his pupils were trying to trade answers. He was the one teacher in Hogwarts who could put people to sleep with just his voice -- that had apparently been the case since even before he had died.

"Work it out yourself, Potter," she called back, not lifting her eyes from her parchment. The dark haired girl rolled her eyes as she heard other members of the class groan in disappointment, seeing as she was one of the only students who knew what she was doing and they all needed help. Once again, Tempest wasn't really in the mood for games that day, as she was far too busy worrying about the full moon.

There hadn't been an incident as of yet, but she always grew anxious about Remus' wellbeing when it was his time of the month (hehe). Though he was far happier in the company of his friends, it was still an incredibly exhausting and painful experience for the sixteen year old. Tempest knew she wasn't the only one who looked out for the boy when the full moon was scheduled to arrive, as the rest of the boys were constantly checking up on him whenever they could. 

Once she had finished her test she slid her parchment over to Fergus, who had been struggling with the eighth question regarding the first broomstick service. She heardJames and Sirius whine in annoyance. "How come he gets the answers and we don't?!"

"Because he's not a pain in the backside like yourselves," Tempest turned her head and glanced disapprovingly in their direction.  With her arm still in bandages after her nasty quidditch injury, she wasn't in the best shape to transform into her animagus, which was putting a damper on her attitude. The next game was in another month's time, and she was dreading it. James was trying to egg her on to come and practice, but she refused. 

She hated feeling disappointed in herself, but as time passed, it became more and more common.


"The boys are trying to get into the girls dorms again, Pest," Marlene sighed as she walked past the window between her and Tempest's bed, where Tempest was curled up in an exhausted state. The raven-haired girl's eyes were shut and she didn't bother opening them, instead electing to groan in annoyance. She was trying to take a quick nap before she had to go out again that night, and her favourite place to do so was in the window where the light shone in and warmed her up. She was covered by a blanket and had a dozen pillows to soften the space, and she wasn't in any mood to leave her spot. 

"What do they want this time?" She mumbled, pulling the blanket further over her body. 

"Sirius said they needed to talk to you about something 'top secret'," Marlene said the last two words in a taunting fashion. Tempest didn't really care. "When I came in just now Peter was on James' shoulders, trying to dive inside each time the door opens. I'm lucky I made it in one piece. Poor Lily wanted an early night, but there's no way she'll chance letting the boys figure out a way in here."

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