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chapter twenty; the secret is out

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chapter twenty; the secret is out

"I DON'T SUPPOSE I COULD SEE HIM?" REMUS TWIDDLED HIS THUMBS AS HE SAT OPPOSITE TEMPEST IN HIS CHAMBERS. She was scribbling in one of her many notebooks, whatever nonsense that was being written unreadable to anyone but her. Her shoulders appeared to tense even more following her friend's question, and she glanced over her shoulder. 

"I'm sure you could," she forced an awkward smile. She placed her pen down and got up from where she sat at his desk, wandering over to his bed and lowering herself beside him. He had been hunched over the Marauder's Map all night, the glimpse into his past apparently necessary to keep him sane. He knew that Harry, Hermione and Ron would want to visit Hargid's Hut to say their farewells to Buckbeak, so he was keeping an eye out for them. "What would you say?"

"I don't know," Remus shook his head, running his hands through his thinning hair. His eyes met hers, and she noticed how sad he was. She understood why. The last thirteen years of his life, like hers, had been plagued with lies and false hope. It was a lot to intake over the course of a few hours, but she thought he was doing pretty well. "I just...I want to tell him that I'm sorry. For everything. I was a terrible friend for not believing in him."

"He'll forgive you, Remus," Tempest assured him, placing her hand atop his. He leaned forward and rested his head on her shoulder, and she sighed softly into his hair. "He would do anything to have you back in his life."

Remus sighed through his nose, creating a warm spot on Tempest's arm. She smiled a little and kissed his head, before reaching behind him and picking up the map. She placed it across their laps and stared at it for a few moments. 

"I still can't believe you pulled this off," she chuckled softly, her eyes catching familiar names across the campus of Hogwarts. Remus cracked a small grin and touched the enchanted parchment, reminiscing times when life had been a little bit easier. "It's brilliant."

"Thank you," Remus responded politely, his finger tracing the page, as if he were looking for someone. He then stopped his finger and made a hum. "Harry."

Tempest squinted a little, looking at the paper to see her godson's name, alongside Ron and Hermione's. Wait, no. There was one more. "What is-?"

"I don't believe it," Remus gasped, leaning so far forward his nose tickled the map. "It's him."

"Who?" Tempest's eyebrows furrowed. Remus shoved the map in her face and she blinked a few times before regaining a solid vision. 

"Him," Remus repeated as if he were at loss for breath. "Peter. Peter Pettigrew."


"You said they were in the Shrieking Shack?" Tempest gripped Remus' hand as they quickly walked through the grounds. They couldn't exactly run, otherwise that would have been suspicious, yet the strange woman tugging on the DADA professor wasn't a normal sight anyway. "That means they would have found him, Remus-"

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