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chapter seventeen; the astronomy tower

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chapter seventeen; the astronomy tower

TEMPEST THATCHER WAS ANGRY AT REMUS LUPIN. It was a strange sensation, one that she'd never felt before. Sure, she'd been annoyed at him when he made snide comments, but she hadn't ever wanted to throw her hands around his neck and squeeze. Every time she entered a room, he found a way to leave. In classes they shared where they sat close to one another, he would move seats or avoid speaking to her completely. It was petty and useless, and Tempest didn't know how to handle it.

"He's mad at himself, Tempest, not at you," Peter insisted, trailing behind the angered teenage girl once they left the Herbology greenhouse. Him and Sirius were the only two people she had been speaking to over the last few days, as she was also furious that James had gone against her and punched Severus Snape in the face so that Remus' secret would remain a secret.

"I don't care who he's mad at," Tempest huffed, holding her books to her chest as she and the shorter boy walked through the school. "He doesn't seem to understand that none of this was his fault."

"Afternoon!" Sirius' cheerful voice appeared as Peter and Tempest turned the corner leading to the Great Hall. He was holding his charms textbook in one hand and a newspaper in the other. James was at his side, though he seemed to purse his lips upon seeing the dark haired girl. "How are we?"

"Fine," Tempest mumbled, easily avoiding eye contact with the Potter boy.

"Hello, Tempest," James attempted to greet the girl, but she chose to ignore him.

"I'm sitting with Willa today," she grumbled without acknowledging the boy, her jaw tensed and eyes narrowed. Sirius stepped forward to protest, but Tempest had already whipped around and marched into the hall with a deep frown etched onto her face.

She sure knew how to be dramatic.


"My parents will be fine with it, I'm sure," Lily exclaimed, her arm locked with Tempest's. They were walking through the grounds that evening, as they hadn't been able to speak that day and they had admittedly missed each other's company. Lily always seemed to have the best advice, much better than Sirius or Peter, or even Marlene. "And you can finally meet Petunia!"

They were speaking about their plans for summer, and how Tempest was going to spend a month at the Evans' Worthing home, which was only an hour away from hers. Tempest was ecstatic, as she knew that meant she wouldn't have to remain trapped in a house with a busy mother. Tempest could invite her muggle friends, Michael and Bhavna, to the movies or to the wharf when they had free time. She knew James had made an offer to house her during the holiday, but she had no idea if that promise still stood.

"I'll bring her some chocolate frogs and fizzing whizzbees," Tempest responded with an amused smile. She had heard an awful lot about Lily's sister, and how horrible she could be when she wanted. The mere prospect of being able to meet her excited the dark-haired girl, as annoying others was one of her greatest talents.

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