Visiting a goddess

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Characters: Loki, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers


"Remind me again why I have to come up with you?" Loki was leaning back against the mirrored wall of the elevator, eyeing his billionaire  companion.

"Because I don't trust you," Tony Stark said frankly. "I'm not leaving you alone with my car. Not again."

"That was one time," Loki chuckled.

"Yes, and I had to track down my car to the middle of the desert, almost fifty miles from Las Vegas!"

"Guys," Steve Rogers said in a warning tone. "Leave it. That was six months ago. We're here on business, let's keep it professional."

The God of Mischief smiled from the memory and watched the floor numbers go up. "Is that why we brought that expensive bottle of wine?"

Tony was holding a bottle in a pretty wrap in his hand, they had stopped to buy it on their way over here. "Sometimes you have to do more than just ask nicely," Tony said, still glaring at the dark haired Asgardian across from him.

Loki scoffed. "I don't need to bring wine if I want something from a woman."

"Guys!" Steve interrupted before yet another heated discussion could form between the two men. "We're here."

The elevator doors opened to the top floor of the high rise building. There were two penthouses here, one door to their left and one door to their right. They went for the left one, Steve knocking on the door with the knocker in the shape of a grapevine.

"Door is open!" a female voice called from inside.

With a look at each other the three men stepped inside, Loki trailing behind. Tony led the way, he had been here before. The penthouse was richly decorated in ancient Greek or Roman style. The whole floor smelled heavily of flowers. No wonder, with a vase of flowers on almost every flat surface.
They came across a kitchen where a man was preparing lunch behind a counter. They couldn't see his lower half, but on top he was only wearing an apron, the fabric barely covering his chisled torso. When he saw the three visitors he flashed them a dazzling smile.

"Remind me who it is we're visiting here?" Loki asked, stopping to look around him at the lavish decor. But neither Tony or Steve answered, having already entered the living room.

Above the fireplace was a large painting, depicting a naked woman surrounded by barely dressed men and women who all seemed to adore her. The woman in the foreground was strategically covered by either her long blonde hair, grapevines or flowers. She was of angel-like beauty and both Tony and Steve were struck by the lifelikeness of the painting.

"Is that her?" Steve said under his breath, gazing at the woman in the painting.

"Yup," Tony said, equally impressed, even though he knew the woman already.

A woman came in the room from the roof terrace. She wore a light blue chiffon dress that moved in the slight breeze that came in from outside. Blonde curls cascaded down her back, nearly reaching her upper thighs. On her head she wore a thin leaf
headband, giving her a royal look as if it was a crown.
"Tony, how delightful to see you," she said in a voice that tinkled like water droplets. She held out her hand and Tony bowed a little to kiss it lightly.

When he straightened again, he spotted the jacuzzi on the terrace, two men lounging in it with their muscly arms stretched out along the edge.
"Did we come at a bad time?" he asked with a grin, but their hostess waved his question away.

"Who's your friend?" she asked, looking Steve up and down. To Tony's amusement the Captain slowly turned beet red under the woman's bold gaze.

"My dearest Dione, may I introduce you to Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America?"

"Enchanté," Dione said in a sultry voice, holding out her hand for Steve as she had done with Tony.

Tony had to poke Steve in his side before the Captain remembered his good manners and stopped staring. "Nice to meet you, madam," he said quickly, kissing her hand.

"And you, Captain. The pleasure is all mine." Dione trailed her fingers up Steve's arm, briefly hooking one finger under the sleeve of his T-shirt. He gulped, watching the beautiful woman before him with wide eyes.

"We come bearing gifts," Tony said casually and Steve took a deep breath when Dione turned her attention back to the billionaire. Steve was never that much of a smooth talker around pretty women, but this woman was something else entirely. When she looked at you, it was as if she was looking at a tasty dish, ready to devour you.

Dione took the bottle from Tony, pulling it from its rectangular wrapping. "Ah, Chateau Soixant Neuf, and a good year. Thank you for your offering."
She waved her hand and four glasses appeared on the table next to them. With another wave of her hand she uncorked the bottle and poured the red wine in the glasses. She offered one to Tony, who graciously accepted.

"It's not even noon," Steve muttered when she presented him with a glass, but he took it from her anyway. He got the feeling you didn't say no to Dione. "How do you know this woman, Stark?" he asked quietly when she turned back to pick up her own glass.

"We both like the good life," Dione answered, stepping closer to Tony to stroke his cheek. "Don't we, Tony?" The billionaire smiled sheepishly and shrugged at Steve before he drank of his wine.
"Now tell me, Tony, what do you need from me? These days you only visit me for a reason," Dione said playfully. "A shame, I might add." She stepped around him, trailing her fingers across his shoulders and down his arm. This time even Tony turned a little red, blinking at the seductress.

"We need some information. You know, the usual. Bad guy did something bad, have to punish him. We think he might hang around in your circles."

"Ugh, boring," Dione answered, rolling her eyes.

"But you'll help us, right?" Tony asked, batting his eyes at her with a playful smile.

"Sure," Dione answered, pecking him on the lips. "For old times' sake." She looked around the room. "Now, where is your other friend? Maybe he wants to play. Mr. Captain overhere is too much of a straight shooter for my taste." She shot Steve a smile and took a sip of her wine. "No offence, honey."

"None taken, madam. But I don't know if our friend is right for you."

There was a low chuckle from behind them. "Oh, I think I can fit in." Loki was leaning to the wall near the door to the hall, picking nonchalantly from a bunch of grapes. "Nice to see you again, Dione," he said, inclining his head with a smirk.

"Oh great, you brought the God of Lies to my house?!" Dione said in an irritated voice, glaring at Tony. "Now I have to get dressed for real," she muttered, before walking away to another room, presumably a bedroom.

"You don't have to trouble yourself for me, darling," Loki snickered. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

"You are always spoiling my fun!" she bit back at him from the doorway, the illusion of her blue dress dissapearing to reveal her naked body.

Steve gasped as she slammed the door. "She was naked? This whole time?"

Loki walked over to the remaining glass of wine and took a swig. "Yes, the daughter of Bacchus doesn't like clothes that much."

"Daughter of Bacchus?" Steve wondered out loud, still staring at the closed door to the bedroom.

"Or Dionysus, depending on wether you're Roman or Greek."

"And you could see she was naked the whole time?" Tony asked, grinning at Loki.

"Yes. An illusion is just another lie. And I am the God of Lies, after all."

"I didn't think I would ever say this," Tony said, holding his glass up to Loki. "But sometimes I would like to be you!"

Author's note:
Painting by William Etty (1787–1849), Ariadne (year not known), oil on board laid down on masonite, 50.1 × 65.5 cm, Private collection.
Ariadne is often referred to as Dionysus's wife, so she could be Dione's mother.

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