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the realms of day and night, huddled between the silence of walls and the grey of curtains . . .

the reason why they kept buying time.

ever since taehyung came clear about his time traveling ability, the only words exchanged between the two males were "eat", "sleep", and "medicines". it was as if they were too afraid to say the wrong things, to hurt each other, becoming as fragile as a feather and as helpless as a lover.

and of course, this cycle went on, and on; until his wounds eventually healed and taehyung was ready to go home — wherever home was.

still, jungkook never dared to ask.

preparing to leave the hospital, the taehyung we all knew was no longer dressed in his hanbok, but instead, a simple green parka with ripped jeans and sneakers, long hair covered in a beanie that resembled the younger's own. 

it was funny what love could do to a person. a couple years — no, a year ago — if someone ever asked jungkook to lend them his clothes, even a simple shirt or trousers, it was almost evident that there would be a whole riot going on in seoul. but now, now that it was taehyung, the boy whose mind once solely relied on logics immediately nodded in a heartbeat. 

"everything's set?" placing a freshly folded blanket over the mattress, jungkook tried to find the glint of happiness behind taehyung's eyes, and sadly found none.

he was simply looking over the window in sorrow.

"hey," jungkook sighed, before tapping his shoulder. when taehyung finally noticed, he asked again, "you've been quiet all morning. are you okay?"

"y-yeah . . ." taehyung stuttered. "just give me a moment."

there was a reason why taehyung hadn't been acting responsive. a part of him was missing, a part of him that held the entirety of his soul, even bigger than his love for the presence and his hatred for the past, in which he had lost somewhere before collapsing in front of jungkook's dorm — the magical pendant.

reaching out his hand to trace the plain neck, taehyung breathed in disappointment as the memories of his parents, friends and silla flew by like a passing wind. 

will i never see any of you again?

"will i never see any of you again?"

another voice startled taehyung from behind. tilting his head upward, jungkook was seen leaning against the doorway with their packed belongings, a smug smirk plastering the edge of his lips.

"i mean, you . . ." jungkook fished something from his bag. "and this?"

in his hand was the magical pendant he had been looking for. the surface was still smooth and the gold was still as shining as ever, as if the ethereal beauty was never lost in the first place. taehyung didn't think a second thought before running in full speed.

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