chapter 19-all for one, and one for all

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(dawsons POV) as i stand in front of the shroud listening to him trying to fake sympathy i smirk knowing a good way to play him in his own game, and con the wanna be con-man "you know something?" i say to him after a second "theres a differance between you and i" i pause looking around "because while we both lost deserved that" he looks at me, dumbstruck as though wondering how i have the nerve to say that "sense it was your dumbass decisions that got you into that situation" he takes off his hat "you know, if that hadnt been so ballsy i would be pissed off right now, because you have a point, but you cant play innocent yourself " i nod as alex walks up to stand next me "its funny, sense i never claimed to be shroud, im just saying i dont think i deserved to loose who i loved to you and your phycopathic ways!" the shroud smirked a little as i spoke through gritted teeth as alex passes me a knife and as the shroud opened his mouth to speak i step closer to him and then lunge at him driving the knife into his chest "come on now" he says pulling the knife out, unharmed "i thought we were being civil" he twirled the knife in his hand a minute "shouldve gone for the head" he says and without warning he sings the knife at me cutting me on the side "asshole!" i shout now getting pissed off at him again and land a kick to one of his knees causing him to fall "you done yet?" he asks through gritted teeth and slowly gets to his feet cracking his knuckles taking off his coat and tie "come at me..unless your...chicken"i grit my teeth but step back and wipe the blood from my face "care to have a go?" i ask alex seeing him sitting on a bench calmly cleaning a knife "nah, hes not worth the effort" i sigh "you know he how many people hes killed right?" alex nods "and killing him in the fashion your going with not only isnt going to work but" he picks up a .45 pistol and checks its ammo "perhaps a dose of 45 caliber bullets will do the trick" as he and i go back and forth we hear the sound of a western tune being whistled along with the clank of spurrs and the rythemic sounds of a lever action rifle being fired by a skilled hand and a hooded figure in fingerless gloves kicks in the parks gate with nothing more then their simple lever action and a pair of colt revolvers on their back seeming to me like the type of soul whose holding a grudge from some deep dark place in the past which causes me and alex to step out of the way sensing shits about to go down, the tension thick in the air and the figure removes their hood revealing her face and the shroud goes a shade of white that can be seen through his mask "rember me?" she asks him "you should" she glares at him "after what you did to my parents" the shroud stepped back "now theres no need to be that way lets be civil" the scoffs "thats ballsy coming from a man who gunned down a bar full of people and torchured the owners to get what was in the register " the shroud reachs for his guns but before he can the mystery girl and alex open fire on him putting so many rounds down range the air becomes thick with gun smoke, the smell of gunpowder and even more tension then before now almost touchable, its so thick but as the smoke clears the shroud gets his feet "how the hell did you survive that?" the girl asks "you can thank the cia" he says and draws his machine guns "get to cover!" i shout seconds before he opens fire and i dive for the girl using my powers to form a sheild from all the lead flying down range giving her time to get to cover and i stand up an new type of fury burning within me as i turn around and the shroud stops firing realizing he cant penetrate my ice wall "if you wouldn]t shoot people so much, and actually had a brain maybe youd have seen that coming" i say as ice forms thick on my fists "of course, i know you didnt see this coming" i say as a helicopter appears above us and most of the team repels down behind me with luke providing support with the helicopters weapons and the girl and alex standing from behind their cover with alex holding the girls revolvers "well" the shroud says as his henchmen run up behind him "i believe your still outmatched" "out matched my ass" sky says and smiles "all for one!"he shouts "and one for all!" everyone replies and without anther word we all attack with everything we have and a massive battle ensues

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