★ Fake ★

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Felicia wakes up to the warm sunshine from her window. It's another normal day for Felicia, as she has university classes today. She is studying to be a psychologist, so in a sense Felicia can understand why humans act the way they do. Her alarm clock reads 9:00, thankfully her first lesson today is at 10:30 am. She gets dress in her favourite skinny leg jeans and dress top. Felicia takes a look into her mirror, seeing the reflection that she has. Rarely does she look at herself, due to self-esteem issues from her bad experiences.


"Are you black or white, or do you consider yourself neither as your parents died?"

"I consider myself both, I am my father's daughter as well as my mother's."

"So you class yourself as the half cast?"

"I never said that."

"But you're one, look at you. The whites won't have you around them or the blacks. You're a burden to both sides."

"My looks shouldn't determine where I fit in!"

"They do - to me you don't even have a race."

Felicia suddenly shakes of that memory, the memory of the first encounter that questioned her race. From time to time Felicia has nightmares and flashbacks of her persecution.

In the meantime, Jaffa is enrolling himself at the same university that Felicia goes to, so this will also mean that he will stay at the same hostel as her. For him to know more about her, he needs to be near Felicia.

"Your first lesson for your psychology degree is at 10:30 today sir, and that's just 10 minutes away. Are you ready for it?"

"I am," responds Jaffa.

As Jaffa walks in the hallway to his first class, he suddenly sees her - Felicia. For some reason, Jaffa doesn't even know whether he should talk to her, since he can read human thoughts. All he has to do is simply, tune into her thinking and find out all her desires as well as an understanding of why this girl thinks she's different. The only issue that Jaffa has is that he needs to be around Felicia to tune into her thoughts - it doesn't work from a very far distance. Something that Corba, his planet needs to consider, the scientists need to find a way for future Corbans to be able to read thoughts from very far distances.

Jaffa doesn't realize that Felicia is staring at him. She can't seem to work him out - he looks very different, she thinks.

At that very moment Jaffa tunes into her thoughts... His hair looks fake, his eyes look fake, he is indeed fake - maybe he had surgery or something. Stop it Felicia, you shouldn't judge.

"How can she see through my incredible disguise - nobody else has seen through it," Jaffa says to himself.

Felicia looks at her watch and it reads 10:25 - five minutes until the lesson starts. She makes her way to class and Jaffa follows behind her.


When Felicia gets back to the hostel from her long day at university, she sees him - the new guy that was in all her classes. The one that she thought was fake.

"This is weird, he must also be staying at the Gumtree Hostel," Felicia whispers to herself.

"Felicia, dear Felicia since you're the loner at our lovely hostel - would you be able to show James to his room?" Sandra the hostel manger says sarcastically.

"James?" Felicia whispers again to herself.

Jaffa immediately turns himself around and looks at her - the dull girl, the only human that intrigued him.

"Well?" Sandra says.

"Uh, okay - where's his room?"

"Next to yours, since it's the only vacant room here," Sandra speaks firmly.

Felicia picks up his suitcase and walks to the staircase.

"You don't have to carry my bag for me," Jaffa says.

"Oh," Felicia responds, with her mouth forming an oval shape. She feels shock, normally Caucasians get her to do everything, even the silly things that any human can do.

Jaffa takes his bag and follows Felicia up the stairs. He feels a tad confused from the thought he just read off her.

As she walks, he notices how small her body is.

"This is your room," Felicia announces.

"I feel I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is James, I'm studying psychology as you probably would've already gathered."

"Ok, yes you have been in all my classes today. My name is Felicia, as you would've gathered."

They both shake hands, while an immediate smile spreads across Jaffa's lips. He hasn't smiled since he left Corba.

They both exchange glances, while Jaffa opens his room door.

I love her eyes, Jaffa suddenly thinks. No, they are dull remember and with that thought he slams his door shut, leaving Felicia astonish by his sudden temper.

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