★ A dose of Gumtree ★

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It is supper time now and all the hostel students are making their way to the dining table. Felicia is already there, as she is placing the food and dishes on the table. The thing about this hostel is that all students are entitled to food, as half the money they pay for rent contributes to the food supply. Even though, people are rude to Felicia at the Gumtree hostel, she is glad that she gets a dinner every night. Buying food cost a lot and that's why it's a huge relief that the hostel enables students to at least have a dinner.

As Felicia places the last plate on the table, her eyes meet with Jaffa's fake blue ones. He slightly smiles at Felicia as he sits down. Felicia smiles back, but then all of a sudden her smile vanishes as she sees that girl - the rude girl. At that very moment, Jaffa tunes into Felicia's thoughts.

She better not say anything to me tonight, she's getting on my nerves. I work here, clean this joint - serve the food and yet there's rude people like this girl making a mockery out of me.

"Well, Hello there handsome," says 'rude girl' in a flirty tone to Jaffa.

"Hi," Jaffa replies without even looking at the girl.

"My name is Sarah, and yours?"

"James," he simply says.

"You seem shy."

"Uh, maybe."

"You see that girl over there..." Sarah speaks as she sends death glares at Felicia. Jaffa immediately looks up at Sarah.

"Well, don't talk to her. She's a freak."

Jaffa feels shock by the girl's comment and instantly wants to stand up for Felicia.

"Do you know her?" Jaffa speaks with a tone of disgust.

"Not exactly, but-"

"Well, you shouldn't just criticize someone without knowing the full story on why they act the way they do!"

Sarah looks at Jaffa with her surprise face and then takes a seat.

Felicia saw how flirty 'rude girl' looked at Jaffa, a burst of jealousy spread through her, so she looked away. Not even knowing that Jaffa stood up for her.

Felicia is confuse though - wondering why she felt jealous. She doesn't even know Jaffa.

After everybody sat down, Felicia finally took the last seat, across from Jaffa.

Ever since he stood up for Felicia, some fellow students instantly got afraid of Jaffa for no apparent reason. They moved away from him.

The scene at the moment is very strange. Most students are at the far end of the table, away from Felicia and Jaffa. The students that have to be seated near Jaffa or Felicia have their chairs facing away from them. Treating the two like they both have a disease.

Jaffa knew exactly what is going on and he simply felt sorry for Felicia; knowing that she gets this type of treatment. On Corba, people never treated one another like this. The Corban's weren't always keen on each other, but they always explained why. There was no foul treatment like this whatsoever. Silly human beings, Jaffa thinks.

"Enjoying your potato bake?" Questions Felicia.

Jaffa is using his fork and playing around with the potato, he is still trying to get use to the taste of human food.

"It's okay, maybe I'm not hungry."

"Oh," Felicia says silently.

Felicia has already finished her meal and she notices that most students have gone.

"It's nearly 7pm," Felicia says to herself.

"What happens at 7pm?"

"Oh, umm sorry I was talking to my-myself," replies Felicia with stutter in her tone.

"Okay then." Jaffa knew exactly what Felicia is doing - going to her gumtree. He needs to hear her thoughts - he will follow her.

"Well, have a good night James," Felicia says sweetly and walks away.


Jaffa wonders how Felicia's voice would say his actual name, as her tone is so feminine.

Felicia starts heading to the gumtree, with a pen and writing pad in her hands. Tonight Felicia is going to write her own little story.

Jaffa is still in the dining area - the only student there. He stands up and starts heading out too.

Once Felicia is at her gumtree a sudden burst of peace flows throughout her body. She is relax. Away from that dreadful society.

Jaffa finds his own seat - a couple of metres away from Felicia's tree. He tunes into her thoughts.

Felicia starts writing a little random story...

There's a lonely girl. The boy with the beautiful gold eyes takes her hand. Holds it in his.

"I am alien," the boy says.

"I already have known!"

They both lock eyes. The boy looks at lonely girl's lips. He wants to-

All of a sudden Felicia hears footsteps again, like the ones from the other night. The footsteps seem to be walking away - away from her tree.

Felicia puts her pen and pad down and starts heading the direction where the footsteps were coming from. The clouds are out, blocking the sunset, so it is very dark. Felicia suddenly sees a figure walking to the hostel. She can't make out who it is, but she can see the shadow. A male's shadow.

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Gumtree LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now