★ Together they walk ★

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Felicia's eyes suddenly open to the new day. She looks around at her surroundings and notices that she is still in the vintage house. Her breathing quickens when she starts remembering what those girls did to her. After calming her breathing, she feels something warm wrapped around her - James. Felicia forgot that she was still cuddling up to him, it's probably because of the shock and anxiety that she got from the recent cruel events.

She tries to remove herself from his grip - but he is too strong. She uses this moment to really take in James's appearance. Felicia looks at his hair - light brown. She takes a more proper look and then suddenly sees a hint of blue hair. Maybe she is now hallucinating from the cruel events, but Felicia certainly can see some blue. She looks at his skin and starts to admire the lovely olive colour that James has.

"Mmm morning!" Jaffa says suddenly and immediately Felicia stiffens.

"Umm morning." Jaffa takes a look at Felicia and sees the puffiness of her eyes due to the tears she had last night. At this moment Felicia feels uncomfortable from Jaffa's stare.

"C-Could you please let me go," Felicia says with an uneasy voice.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were strong enough to break out of my hold," Jaffa replies smugly.

"Obviously not," Felicia spats back.

"So, we better go back to the hostel," says Jaffa.

"I guess, umm can I ask you something?"


"Umm, uh I saw blue," Felicia says childish.

"What do you mean?"

"Your hair," Felicia says as she points to his hair.

"My hair?"


"My hair is brown Felicia, we better uh go back to the hostel..."

"But I know what I saw."

"You know nothing!"

"Why did you say that?"

"Don't worry, I get moody without breakfast," Jaffa says with honesty.

"Shall we go now?" Questions Jaffa.

"Yeah, I just don't want to see those girls."

"They live at the hostel, so of course you'll see them. Are you going to report what they did?"

"I-I-I don't think the police would believe me. I mean getting locked up in some old house, by a bunch of 'adult girls', doesn't really make sense. Plus I have no witness." Felicia announces as she shakes her head.

"You got me?"

"You didn't witness it?"

"But I'll love to help."

"Ok, ok I may report it - can we go now, this house is giving me the freaks?"

"Sure, sure."

As they walk together, Jaffa now fully takes in Felicia's appearance. She is strong, he thinks. And beautiful, another voice in his head says. Jaffa shakes his head resembling a 'no'.

"What's wrong?" Felicia says, noticing his head shaking.

"Oh, nothing just thinking."

"So, umm what made you take psychology at university? I mean it's half-way through the first semester - how do you intend to catch up with the work?"

"Oh I," Jaffa doesn't know what to say, but he better make something up quick.

"Last year, I tried out psychology for the first couple weeks of the semester - I really did enjoy it, but my parents didn't. They didn't want me studying to be a psychologist, they wanted me to be a lawyer," Jaffa says. In a sense he is being honest, as his parents never agreed on Jaffa's plans. They didn't even want him coming to earth - his mother and father wanted their oldest son to, not Jaffa.

"Oh, but umm I don't get it. How did the uni even agree for you to start the same course again?" Felicia says, giving her frown to Jaffa. Immediately Jaffa sees her frown as cute, which makes him smile.

"I have done the first wee little bit of it and I don't really have anything to catch up on with the schoolwork," Jaffa says. "And yeah it does sound confusing, but I'm glad I'm studying what I want to be."

Jaffa doesn't like saying half the truth to Felicia, but he has to. No humans know about Corba and no humans can know. Corbans have been studying the human traits for a very long time, sometimes they even adapt their traits. Jaffa doesn't get why Corbans should adapt human traits, when the traits are simply dull.

At times, some Corbans get supplies from earth. For example, about 50 years ago Corba didn't have any such thing as watermelons. The taste that the watermelon gave to the Corban visitors, immediately made them think that something amazing like this should be growing on Corba. So, for the last 50 years, Corbans have not only been enjoying watermelon but many other earth fruits.

"We are here!" Felicia says pointing to the hostel.

"Well, let's go and get some breakfast!" Jaffa says in response. "Well shall we," he holds out his hand to Felicia and she takes it with a smirk on her face.

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